May 7, 2008

HHO Gas Car Kits - Browns Gas Conversion, Why Should You Do It?

HHO gas conversion also know as Browns gas conversion is taking off in popularity at an alarming rate around the world. The reason for this is not surprising, rising fuel prices. As folks feel the bite of ever-increasing gas costs they are turning to alternative fuel sources such as this one which will provide them with a gas mileage increase of between 10 and 50%.

These HHO gas or Browns gas conversion kits can be found online for cars and trucks for a reasonable price, or you can build your own unit from instructions bought in e-book form online. Most offers on the internet are the real deal and will benefit your gas savings significantly.

But just how do you use this HHO gas / browns gas conversion system? Well, it`s pretty simple. It all revolves around the process of water electrolysis. Electricity is applied to water in a sealed jar under your car`s hood which causes a chemical reaction, this in turn produces HHO gas, also known as Browns gas. This is then fed into your engine`s fuel manifold where it is mixed with the gasoline and has the proven effect of increasing your gas mileage and increasing performance. Other names for this process are: Hydrogen on demand and Aquygen. The latter name has now been copyrighted by a large company.

The system is very simple to build yourself as long as you follow the instructions to the letter. All the parts can be found at your local hardware store and bought cheaply. The components that you buy are generally a medium sized jar, wiring, fuses, baking soda, vacuum valve etc. You won`t void your vehicles warranty when you install the HHO gas / Browns gas unit and it can easily be taken off without leaving a trace. The entire installation will cost you about $90.

There are many sites online that promote this. Many of them have videos on the process that provide proof of normal folks with functioning systems. Be sure to get the right information before you make your decision. All in all an HHO gas / Brown`s gas system is a good cheap alternative to increase gas mileage and reduce fuel emissions for your vehicle.

By John S Ross