May 15, 2008

How To Convert Your Car To A Water Hybrid

Are you affected by the gas prices? Would you want to save a couple of thousands every year on gas? Yes, you can do it but first you should how to convert your car to a water hybrid. The method is used by people all over the world, people that are tired of paying more than 4 $ for a gallon, and people who care about the environment where they live. Every 15 seconds over 2 million litres of gas are burned in USA, and try to imagine how much pollution that means.

Our engines are designed to burn only 20% of the gas that we buy, because the rest of 80% results in pollution. If you want to know how to convert your car to a water hybrid you must know that your car will not run only on water. Instead it will run on water and gas but it will use gas in a lower quantity for a better mileage. It's very simple to make the conversion because you just need to add to your engine some parts, that you can buy from the local store. People that don't have any mechanical experience can use guides, with images and plans to make the conversion to water, but the conversion info can be found on the internet.

If you convert your car to a water hybrid you will pollute less and also improve your mileage with at least 50%, which can result in thousands of dollars saved on gas every year.Realize what I am saying with this example: If you improve your mileage with 50% you will spend 50% less money on gas for the same mileage. If you spend 1000$ every month then the savings can be 500$ every month, money that people use to buy a new car or to pay their rents.

By Nicusor Valentin Prefac