April 29, 2009

How to Liberate Yourself by Reducing Your Oil Dependency

Oil dependency is a tremendous problem worldwide. Fuel prices continue to rise, causing concern for everyone's wallet in the depressed economy. In addition, more people are becoming aware of their carbon footprint and the lasting effect that they could be having on the environment now and into the future. Because of this, the need for alternative energy is stronger than ever.

High demand equals higher fuel prices

When it comes to fuel prices, many are really feeling the hit at the pump. Part of the problem is too much demand - too many of our vehicles are fuel-inefficient, causing the country to consume millions of barrels of oil each day. The price of oil is not as high as it has been comparatively, but it is still hurting our pockets...and they will go up again soon. Fuel prices are influenced by:

• Little excess oil remaining after current production levels.
• High demand, causing bidding prices for oil to go up in times where the supply is at risk.
• Domestic demand greater than domestic capacity.

This means that reduced inventory, high demand, and the unstable political climate are all influencing fuel prices.

No way to drill
Instead of looking into alternative energy, many countries claimed that the way to balance out the oil supply and demand problem was to drill on public lands, including wilderness areas. Not only is this not an eco friendly solution, but it is also not sustainable long term. Domestic production will not reduce the dependence on foreign oil by any great amount, so fuel prices are unlikely to be much affected. Other solutions, such as rolling back pollution protections, are even less eco-friendly and no more sustainable.

Liberation from oil dependency
However, hope is not lost. We can break ourselves from oil dependency, especially by looking at alternative energy and other eco-friendly ideas. Not only will this help to bring fuel prices back down, but it will also be better for the environment in the long run.

There are numerous options available including:

• Converting your vehicle to a hybrid via hydrogen converter kits so that you would use less fuel and leave a smaller carbon footprint.
• Encourage people to live near where they work and shop, and increase public transportation choices.
• Make replacement tires more fuel-efficient.
• Keep tires properly inflated to prolong tire life and promote fuel efficiency.
• Choose fuel-efficient oil.
• Reduce heavy truck idling.
• Weatherize homes that use oil for heating, or look at alternative energy choice for home heating.
• Reduce industrial oil use, and help industrial companies to become more Eco friendly by using recycled products.
• Improve air traffic management to reduce waiting times for takeoff and landing to save jet fuel.

Some of these things can be done now in your own home. For instance, you can convert your car to a hybrid, keep your tires inflated, and weatherize your home. Others will require an industry-wide approach to see real improvements. If everyone works to reduce their carbon footprint and their own personal dependency on oil, then we can see a true liberation occur.

BluWave Hybrid manufacturers and distributes hydrogen fuel injection (HFI) alternative fuel systems providing substantial emissions reduction and fuel savings for most vehicles around the world.

By Carlo Hernandez