December 11, 2008

How to Lock Out the Car Thieves

Car theft in the UK is big business, and it is estimated that one car is stolen every minute, with over two million vehicle related thefts each year. Luckily, there are some simple ways you can protect your car from theft. Locking your car doors whenever you leave your vehicle can be the biggest deterrent for a potential thief. Other simple, yet sensible acts, like always rolling up your windows completely, never leaving your key in the ignition and parking in well-lit areas will also help deter thieves.

When you are at home, you may think that your car is safe in your driveway or garage, but your car can still be a potential target in these situations. Car theft is often an opportunist crime, rather than a premeditated one; so you should never head out to your car on a cold winter's morning, start it up, turn on the heater and then head back in the house to finish your breakfast. Likewise, you should never leave your car running just to pop into the shops to get some milk or return that DVD.

There are other, more advanced, measures you can take to protect your car as well. A visible or audible device will often scare off any potential thieves. A car alarm is noisy and will give the thief a big fright - hopefully enough to make them think twice about taking your car. Other devices such as steering wheel locks or steering column locks make an obvious statement that this is a car that is not worth trying to steal. Even if you can't afford a high-tech alarm system, consider just getting stickers that warn intruders of one, or buy a dummy alarm system. It may be enough to keep them from touching your car.

If a thief does get into your car, often the first thing they'll do is try to hotwire it to get it started. One way to ensure this doesn't happen is to install an engine immobiliser. An engine immobiliser works by disabling the car's engine and not allowing it to start. The only way to get it going is by inserting a particular key or code into the car which only you have access to. Most modern cars have an immobiliser installed as standard; if your car has one, be sure to make use of it!

Going up another step in car protection is to have a tracking system installed. Although expensive, it'll help to recover your car much more quickly and hopefully with less damage, by emitting a GPS signal that police can quickly trace.

Taking steps to protect your car against potential theft can not only provide peace of mind, but can also save you money when it comes to getting a car insurance quote, as some insurers may offer discounts on premiums for cars that are well protected.

Just one more reason for taking steps to safeguard your motor!

By Andrew Regan