April 16, 2008

The Best Gas Mileage SUV - Is There Such a Thing?

SUV fuel economy is a contradiction in terms; A matter of fact, SUVs are known as the biggest gas guzzlers that the average American can buy. So when searching for the best gas mileage SUV rating, be prepared to discover that none will get good gas mileage; it's just that some are not quite as crappy as others!

If you're going to buy a SUV, you are expressing a certain message: vehicle size and luxury matters to you much more than efficiency. But there are certain SUV companies, such as Subaru, which specifically market to hippies and other supposedly environmentally conscious folks. But even these are not known for being very energy-efficient. Nevertheless, if you are in the market for a new SUV, it's better to find out more about the best gas mileage SUVs before making a decision to buy one.

The SUV category is not set in stone; although SUVs are supposed to be rugged vehicles equipped for off-road driving, we all know better: For many people, SUVs are simply status symbols. These folks like to show off or drive something larger than other vehicles and have a "commanding view" over the other drivers. They are roomy inside and high above the ground, which makes them generally safer in crashes. I say, "generally safer," but oftentimes the opposite is true: Sport Utility Vehicle crashes often result in violent rollovers that can injure or kill the driver and/or passengers.

The reason for these rollovers is due to their higher stance off the road and resulting higher center of gravity. That isn't to say that SUVs are not safe; they're just not as safe as you may think. Just because they are large vehicles doesn't make them bulletproof.

But what is the definition of a SUV? A car like the Saturn Outlook, for example, might be considered an SUV but it might not. Would a vehicle like this qualify for the best gas mileage SUV? Or is it too small and would thus have an unfair advantage over larger SUVs? This is open to debate, but it's probably safe to say that any vehicle large enough to make you FEEL like you're driving a SUV should qualify it to fit in the SUV category.

Researching the best gas mileage SUV will make you think twice about buying a large vehicle--even if it is for status symbol purposes. Because for the amount of money that you could spend buying a new Sport Utility Vehicle, you could get something that was REALLY fuel-efficient--such as a Honda hybrid car or Toyota Prius--and save $400 per month in fuel savings alone!

You just may come to the conclusion that you don't even need or want a big, gas-guzzling sport utility vehicle. Because if you don't have to carry around much cargo and don't drive in the snow, why pay extra money for a SUV? Instead, invest in a hybrid electric car and help America gain independence from the choke-hold that the middle east has on the United States economy.

By Chuck Brown