A water hybrid system actually describes a vehicle that uses an on board hydrogen generator to create, on demand, a gas know as Brown's gas that supplements standard gasoline drastically increasing fuel efficiency.
You create this supplemental gas out of water by separating the water molecule into its component parts, hydrogen and oxygen.
The fact that hydrogen bonds with oxygen because they have opposite charges allows us to rip them apart by sending an electric current down two electrodes, submeresed in water, one positive and one negative, thus pulling apart the molecular structure and creating two hydrogen atoms bonded together in the presence of an oxygen atom.
This mixture is known as Brown's gas named after the famous researcher Yull Brown.
This gas is also known as HHO or orthohydrogen and burns very well. When mixed with regular gasoline you get much cleaner and more complete combustion, increasing fuel mileage and extending engine life.
The great thing about this whole idea is you can build and install the hydrogen generator yourself for under $60.00 and over a weekend. The parts are readily available at your local auto parts and hardware store and assembly is easy and straight forward. You do not have to modify your car's engine or computer and the hydrogen generator can be removed in a matter of minutes should you decide to sell your car and want to take the hydrogen generator with you.
This technology works on 99.9% of all cars no matter if they have a carburetor or are fuel injected.
My daughter and I built one of these hydrogen generators and have been running it for a few months now. The engine runs smoother, quieter and has more power... not to mention a drastic increase in fuel mileage. If a country girl like me can do it, anyone can!
Don't let big oil and auto makers keep this technology from you. Water is a free renewable resource and everyone needs to start doing their part to end our reliance on foreign oil.
Want to build one yourself? I have a guide at my website that will show you, step by step how to make this hydrogen generator. It's freakin awesome and the government can't do anything about it! Got to http://MylaMadson.com/hybrid
By Myla Madson