Your mood will change in an instant whenever you are filling your gas tank. The gas price fluctuates frequently but it always goes up overall. It does not have to be like that if you can power your car with water. Have you ever been exposed to hydrogen fuel cell technology? This technology was invented 80 years ago, but it was kept secret considering the impact that would happen to oil company and oil producing countries. Today it is shared easily in the Internet world.
Is it really possible to run car on water?
Yes it is, in fact there was a interview done by CNN to a man that had successfully run his car on water and he said that he could potentially save thousands of Dollars every year. He has done it before the gas price goes up. How lucky he is but it is not too late for you to do it. Before you go and start searching for information you would want to know some facts about hydrogen fuel cell technology.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology - Fact 1
Running your car on water does not mean that you are going to power your car completely with water but you are going to make use the combination of two sources of energy such as gasoline and water. The power will be generated by the combustion of brown gas (HHO/ Hydrogen) extracted from the water. You will need hydrogen generator to extract hydrogen from water and conversion tool to convert the hydrogen to energy that powers your car.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology - Fact 2
Hearing the phrase "hydrogen fuel cell technology" might scare you and give you the notion that it is difficult to realize. In fact it is so easy that you do not have to spend days to build a complete system.
If you do not want to build it, you can always buy a complete built system, although it can cost you up to $800.
if you build the complete system yourself, you will only need $180 or even less. However you will have to know which materials and tools to buy (the materials do not have to be expensive, there are many materials and tools that are cheap yet high in quality)
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology - Fact 3
How much money will I be able to save?
By doubling your gas mileage you only need to pay half of the money that you used to pay for the gas normally.
By paying only half from the normal expenses, you will be able to potentially save $1000 a year if you are a normal traveler. If you travel a lot with your car, you will be able to save more than $1800 and above, no kidding. Have you ever jotted down how much money you spend on gas yearly? If you have, you should know that you can save that much even if you are only halving your gas expense
Beside saving money, what other benefits you can get?
Reducing gas emission (reduce pollution/global warming and increasing your and your family's health quality)
Increasing your car's longevity
Reducing noise and make your car run more smoothly
By Andreas Lee
May 3, 2008
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology - Ready To Save Money Massively?
Various Parts of Hydraulic Press Brakes
Press brakes are used to make bends in thick heavy sheets and to make complex bends in thin materials. There are two types of press brakes: mechanical and hydraulic. Since a large amount of power is required to bend the sheets or plates, the hydraulic presses are usually more appropriate for each job. Hydraulic presses are available in capacities exceeding 50,000 metric tones. They are highly preferable in operations requiring steady pressure throughout the substantial stroke length, wide variations in the stroke length, and high or variable forces.
In order to fully understand the operation of a hydraulic press brake, you need to know how it works. Since hydraulic press brakes are made up of a number of components, keeping track of them all can be difficult. So, here is a basic list of some of the most prominent components.
1. Hydraulic fluid - Hydraulic fluid is transmitted through various parts of the machine. High pressure is exerted on hydraulic fluid by the hydraulic pump, thus creating highly energized fluid. This fluid then travels to the cylinders (actuators) where it delivers its stock of large amounts of energy to the piston, which operates the bending tools. After delivering the energy, the de-energized hydraulic fluid travels back to the pump to regain its energy and continue the operation of the machine. The hydraulic fluid is usually petroleum oil with various additives.
Apart from transferring the energy, the hydraulic fluid also lubricates the various components of the hydraulic press brake and removes the contaminants and metal fittings. The hydraulic fluid should be capable of operating at high temperatures, including a few hundred degrees Celsius, as it gets heated when it receives the energy in the hydraulic pump.
2. Hydraulic pump - The hydraulic pump actually produces the power that energizes the hydraulic fluid and transmits it through the machine to carry out the pressing operations. If a pump has the rating of say 5,000 psi, it can maintain the flow of liquid against the loads of 5,000 psi or it can apply that much pressure. The power density of hydraulic motors is ten times that of electric motors by volume. The hydraulic pump is operated by an electric motor or an engine connected by gears, belts, or flexible couplings. It can be a gear pump, vane pump, axial piston pump, or radial piston pump. The hydraulic pump is the "generator" side of the whole hydraulic press brake system.
3. Actuator - The power contained in the hydraulic fluid is delivered to the actuator, which carries out the pressing operation. There are various types of actuators, but the one used in hydraulic press brake is the hydraulic cylinder. The hydraulic cylinder is comprised of a cylinder barrel and a reciprocating piston. The large amount of energy contained in the hydraulic fluid is transmitted to the piston to carry out the linear work of pressing the metal sheets. The stroke length of the piston can be programmed to vary depending upon the thickness of the metal sheet and angle of the bend. The total stroke length of the piston depends on the length of the cylinder. The forces and pressure of the piston can be accurately controlled, and full pressure is available throughout the entire stroke. During the operation of the presses, the speed can be programmed to vary or remain constant. The hydraulic cylinder is the "motor" side of the whole hydraulic press brake system.
4. Control valves - The control valves direct the hydraulic fluid to the desired actuators. They control the amount of fluid and energy that is transmitted to the actuator. If there are multiple actuators, control valves distribute the fluid evenly among them as per the requirements of the operation.
And there you have it: the four main components in a hydraulic press brake. Now, you should be able to understand more fully the complete inner workings of a press brake system.
By Michael Headingten
May 1, 2008
Hydrogen Fuel For My Car - Is It Right For Me?
I know, you're feeling the pain at the pump. Many people like yourself are in a similar situation, and looking for a way to save some of that hard earned cash that goes to the big oil companies every month. In this article, I'm going to explore some of the reasons why a hydrogen powered car might be right for you, as well as some of the caveats of pursuing the dream of cheap and easy fuel.
Hydrogen Fuel For My Car: Obvious Benefits
Well for starters, you're going to save a lot at the pump. Your average car will run between 15-30 mpg, and you can expect less mpg's the larger your car. Gas prices are hovering above $3 at the time of this writing (and may be higher by the time you read this!). A hydrogen generator car can generate a 35% savings off of a standard gasoline engine, and costs roughly $100 to integrate. In addition, it's pollutant free, which means cleaner air and streets for your neighborhood.
So essentially it's cheap to add to your car, great for the environment, and you get an accumulated benefit each year over a regular gasoline powered car. What's not to like there?
Hydrogen Fuel For My Car: Caveats
While the benefits for a hydrogen fueled car are many, there are a few things you're going to have to do to make your hydrogen powered dream a reality. You will have to get a hydrogen generator that runs on a hydrogen car fuel cell. In order to get a hydrogen car fuel cell, you will have to search a bit on the internet for them, as they're not exactly household items just yet. Don't fret however, as gasoline prices increase, there will be also an increased demand for a hydrogen car fuel cell.
Hydrogen Fuel For My Car: Conclusion
A hydrogen powered car is no longer confined to the pages of a good science fiction novel. It can be had for a nominal cost, and configured properly, will save your dollars at the pump for many, many years! Don't just sit here at your computer, get off you butt and save a few bucks!
By Brad Carter
Hydrogen Fuel For Cars - Why You Should Be Doing It
Ahh, I know why you're reading this. You're sick of paying through the nose at the pump, and you're wondering what the big fuss is over hydrogen fuel for cars. Well, I'm glad you're here, because I'm going to set you straight on the why you should consider hydrogen fuel for cars, and powering your car with this high powered gas.
Reason #1: It's Cheap!
Fact: Over 75% of our planet consists of water. Needless to say, there's a little more water in the world to go around than there is of gasoline, which is a fossil fuel and isn't going to be replenished anytime soon - I mean, you don't see any dinosaurs walking around these days do you?
Reason #2: It's Easy!
The parts needed to create a system that can use hydrogen fuel are easily attainable at your local hardware store. Things like a vacuum tube, a quart sized container, and baking soda are easy to find, and all you need to do is use some electrical wiring to connect your hydrogen generator to your car's engine. This is so the generator has a source of electrical power to perform the electrolytic conversion necessary to produce hydrogen fuel.
Reason #3: You can do it yourself!
It's a do-it-yourself job! Appeal to your inner handyman/woman and put together a power system that can save you hundreds of dollars over the long run! As you can see from the preceding section, there's nothing technically complicated about putting together a system that can use hydrogen fuel for cars. There are plenty of kits and documents like the one you're reading that can guide you towards building your own hydrogen system.
By Brad Carter
April 29, 2008
Hydrogen Generator for My Car - Ready To Save Money Massively?
If you are looking for the term "hydrogen generator for my car", you are obviously looking for a way to save your money on gas. It is a wise decision right now to build a hydrogen generator to run your car on water. With hydrogen on demand system, you can increase you gas mileage up to 85% or even double depending on your car. This system is similar to the hybrid technology that is now very popular.
How does Hydrogen on demand system work?
This system allows you car to generate brown gas (also known as HHO) that will be used to power your car. Because you are going to combine two sources of energy, gasoline and water, you would be able to save half of your expense on gas. Saving only half can accumulate to a significant result in the end of a year.
The combustion of hydrogen and gas will take place under you car's hood. HHO gas will then convert into energy and combine with the gasoline energy to power you car.
How can I get Hydrogen generator for my car?
You can buy the complete-built generator online or offline, but this is not the best way because you will end up spending more than $800 for that. If want to seriously save money, you have to invest your time (only three to four lousy hours) to build it on your own. It will only cost you $150 maximum.
How can I Build Hydrogen generator?
It is not difficult at all to build the whole system, although the name sounds so technical. In fact even a person who does not know about automotive can build it easily. All the parts and materials can be found easily in any hardware stores. It is important to note that you will not modify your car in any ways, this system is an easy removable system.
If you have a lot of time to spend and do not want to save money on a complete step by step guide, you can go to the search engine and type in hydrogen on demand + forums, you will be able to find out a lot of information about how to build it.
If you do not want any hassles looking for the information in different forums and pack all the information into a solid step by step instruction, there are couple of guides which I find perfect to help you with additional pictures, and some of them offer you list of cheap and high quality materials you need.
By Andreas Lee
How To Build Hydrogen Fuel Cell - DIY Benefits
Do you want to know how to build hydrogen fuel cell? I think all the people who are sick and tired of paying almost 4$ for a gallon of gas want to improve their mileage, reduce their gas costs and reduce the pollution of the air.I just seen a video where Fox News presented water as the best alternative fuel for our cars.
National Geographic broadcasted a warning about the danger which we could face if the average temperature of Earth increases with 6 degrees, which it will if we will continue polluting like this. We must realise that our kids can suffer from our fuel inefficiency.
What are the benefits of building a hydrogen fuel cell for your car also known as gas generator system?
Thousands of people from all over the world use it and improve their mileage with at least 50%, improve their fuel efficiency, improve the way that their engines work(smoother, quieter) and also the people using it reduce pollution.
What should you keep in mind if you are interested in how to build hydrogen fuel cell? You will not have running only on water car. You will use hydrogen from the water to burn gas more efficiently but don't doubt the results. Just to make you realise, only 20% of the gas that you put in the gas tank is actually burn in the engine and produces power. The rest of 80% passes as unburned fuel and it's simply pollution. If you use hydrogen fuel cells to fuel your car you will be able to run with just one gallon of gas the distance that you otherwise you would burn 5 gallons of gas.
If you are wondering how much will cost to build hydrogen fuel cell I can tell you that isn't more than 150$. It's so cheap because the parts that you need to use can be found in almost every local store or you could already have them in your house or in your garage because they are things like a canning jar, some vacuum hose, some electric wires or some fuses bought from your auto store.
If you are someone who wants to know how to build hydrogen fuel cell, you should know that the information about building the fuel cell can be gathered from multiple sites but the information can be incomplete and can make you lose time and money so I suggest to buy a step-by-step guide , with images, plans and step-by-step instructions that will help you to build a hydrogen fuel cell.A guide it's not very expensive and will save you time and headaches.
By Nicusor Valentin Prefac
April 28, 2008
The Worst Hybrid Vehicles
All things nice and everything nice, this phrase became associated with Hybrid vehicles. However, it was recently known that this statement might actually be not-so-true when information about some hybrid models that proved to be not-so-economical.
Chevrolet Tahoe 2-Mode Hybrid - Most consumers would have thought that when hybrid vehicles emerged into the market, it would be the very answer to every SUV owners' fuel consumption dilemma. This belief gave a stronger effect when hybrid SUVs found their way into the market once more. Compared to standard SUV models, Chevrolet Tahoe boasts a 2-mode system allowing the vehicle to operate in 2-wheel and 4-wheel drive, gaining 40% improvement, at 20-21 miles per gallon. At a starting price of $50,490 MSRP, you could own this 2-Mode Hybrid baby. However, no matter how positive the modification can be with Chevrolet Tahoe, most consumers may not expect the same fuel economical benefits since this vehicle still cannot surpass nor even match the economic wise advantage of other hybrids can offer. While other hybrids continually amaze their owners for the gallon/mile consumption wonders, i.e., average of 50 miles per gallon, Chevrolet has evidently failed to pass the 2-Mode Hybrid as a cost-effective and ecologically-wise hybrid. With these factors in mind, prospective buyers should think it over first before investing on this hybrid. Would you still want a Major Brand of Vehicle, with a major deduction from your pockets?
Honda Accord Hybrid - How could you purchase a hybrid vehicle when they have not even passed their initial emission tests? This has been the case of Honda Accord Hybrid. In an attempt to modify the problems of the emissions unit, the model was temporarily retracted from the market by its makers. Unfortunately, despite Honda's effort to regain the Accord's hybrid image, the vehicle according to some reports in the internet, was said to have failed the emission test once again. Taking this into consideration, we should be well aware that a vehicle's failure in emission test will cost you more money. First of all, the repair cost has to be shouldered by the owner, apart from this, there is also the cost to conduct the emission test once again. Three emission test failures mean you are in trouble - because it would mean that you will not be allowed to drive the vehicle legally. There is no sufficient info for consumers if Honda Accord Hybrid is still available in the market. Should you wish to check on their website homepage, prospective consumers find themselves looking at low-emissions Honda Coupe model, which is by the way a non-standard hybrid, when they search or click for a Hybrid models. A consumer must be very careful in the process of choosing Honda Accord Hybrid, especially with news such as non-passing of emission test for the first test still looms in the market.
Yes, we can be rest assured that most of the other hybrids available in the market have passed emission test in most of the states, and therefore are true to their name as hybrids. However, there will always be thorns among the roses, and these two hybrids are unfortunately considered as the thorns. Thorns in the ecological system as they have certainly failed the first stage of passing emission tests and thorns to the pocket of the poor consumers who have misleadingly invested for these type of vehicles without knowing the pros and cons.
If you are not yet one of those who have purchased these types of Hybrids, consider yourself lucky and now is the right time to exercise your right to choose. If fuel consumption and eco-awareness is one of the factors you have in mind in buying a Hybrid, then do your share of researching before investing on these vehicles. Remember, this is your money and it is indeed worthwhile to be extra careful before splashing out on these high-priced and yet, not-so-hybrids.
By Thomas Jones
The Top Hybrid Vehicles
When you purchase a hybrid car you will see that they come with many of the same benefits and advantages of a regular car. Not only that but you also receive tax brakes along with much better gas mileage, benefits for the environment and the peace of mind that a hybrid can offer. But just as with every car hybrids are not all the same. Some hybrids are really better than others. Let's take a peek at some of the top hybrids that are on the market.
Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid-The Chevrolet Malibu hybrid was ranked best in it's class for appearance. With several other modification made to the newest model such as interior changes, exterior changes and the fact that the new style is now ranked as a fuel economy vehicle one can say that the model has come a very long way. The Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid offers 32 miles per gallon of highway driving and 24 miles of city driving. It is also reasonably priced with a starting price of $22,790.
Honda Civic Hybrid-If your thinking about purchasing a Honda Civic Hybrid you will be pleased to know that with a starting price of only $22,600 you will surely get more than what you pay for with this great car. The Honda Civic Hybrid offers a sleek design but it doesn't stop there. This car also offers a top of the line hybrid system that will make your car able to get 51 miles to the gallon when driving on the highway and 49 miles per gallon of city driving.
Nissan Altima Hybrid-The Nissan Altima Hybrid is Nissan's first hybrid. It is giving other hybrids a real run for their money with a starting price of $25,070. It also offers great city mileage of 33 miles per gallon along with 35 miles per gallon of highway driving.
Mercury Mariner Hybrid-The starting asking price for a Mercury Mariner Hybrid is $26,430. Even though the Mercury Mariner Hybrid is an SUV you will see that it still offers a great highway rating of 34 miles per gallon and a nice rating of city driving at 30 miles per gallon.
Ford Escape Hybrid-The starting price for a Ford Escape Hybrid is $25,470, making this the cheapest SUV hybrid on the market. This is a competitive price in the SUV market along with the SUV manufactured by Mercury and Chevrolet. The Ford Escape Hybrid offers 34 miles per gallon on the highway and 30 miles per gallon when driving in the city.
Toyota Prius-The Toyota Prius is at the top of the list when it comes to the amount of gas mileage it offers. With 46 miles per gallon for both city and highway driving it has been at the top overall car market for 10 years since it first appeared. With an asking price of $20,950 it sure is giving other Hybrids a run for their money.
Toyota Camry Hybrid-This Toyota is roomier that the Toyota Prius and still offers good gas mileage at 34 gallons per mile for both highway and city driving. With a starting price of $18,720 you might want to check this on out
By Thomas Jones
April 27, 2008
Hybrid Cars FAQ
After all you have seen, read, and heard about hybrid cars, are you truly ready to buy your new hybrid car? Have a look at this quick FAQ to help you understand the essentials in getting your very own hybrid car:
Even hybrids are not created equal. In the city, the Honda Civic Hybrid can achieve a fuel economy of 49 miles per gallon, while the Chevy Malibu Hybrid can only achieve 24 miles per gallon. That's a fairly big difference, especially because the Malibu Hybrid, which costs $22,790 MSRP, is actually more expensive than the Civic Hybrid, which costs $22,600. So which one is better suited for you is the real question when buying one of these hybrids.
Hybrids cost more than conventional cars. Most hybrids cost about $20,000 and above, so considering a new vehicle when you only have about $18,000 would mean it probably wouldn't be a hybrid-- unless you find a real bargain. But normally, you would need at least $3,000-6,000 more than the conventional models if you wanted to purchase a hybrid. There is also a lot more you actually have to pay for when it comes to purchasing a hybrid vehicle, including optional items such as paint and upholstery pro-tectants, and warranties, which can really cost thousands more in dollars once you have added in everything you want for your new hybrid car.
Gas expenditure will be reduced. The good news is that hybrids use only half the amount of gas that conventional vehicles do use, because of its two sources of power-gas and electricity. Hence there is less need to refuel, which translates to savings on gas in the long run.
Hybrid cars are environment-friendly. With all the alarm due to the greenhouse effect of burning gasoline, hybrids are a welcome development, because they can reduce that greenhouse effect in this planet we live in. Do you believe that a hybrid car can have up to 90% less emissions than the conventional car? This results in less smog, as well as damage to the ozone layer, and ultimately, your health.
Hybrid cars allow for tax and other benefits. Hybrid cars are allowed to park at parking meters and parking meters without fees, drive in Toll lanes for free, or qualify for credits in tax. But you can get benefits for up to $3,400 only, so watch when your vehicle hits the 6,000 purchases, and you can no longer get credits.
You need some time to get used to your hybrid car. You'll not just get a pleasant surprise when you realize the savings from your fuel consumption... you'll also find that your engine automatically shuts off, then starts again at red lights... and even the oh, so quiet engine allows you to listen to your favorite music without needing to increase its volume.
Hybrid cars, aside from the usual features and benefits from other cars, come with the perks for you, your neighbors, and our planet earth.
By Thomas Jones
Cost Of Owning a Hybrid Car
The media seems to thrive on bombarding anyone and everyone with information these days, and the focus on hybrid cars is no different. We've known they exist, we know they're supposed to be fuel-efficient. The common buzzword about these vehicles is that they're "eco-friendly" and talk is that you can use the money you save on gas to go buy a plasma screen. At least, that's the hype about the savings you'll gain. That isn't exactly reality, though, so it's time to take a look at just how shiny a penny you should expect to shell out for a hybrid.
1. Did You Want to Buy Groceries This Month? - There is no mistaking that hybrid cars are expensive, way over the price of the normal SUV or convertible. In fact, hybrids can cost at least $6,000 or more, which is a pretty hefty payment. On top of having to pay for the vehicle upfront, the hybrid comes with a load of bells and whistles that you probably were not expecting. Be ready for additional taxes for buying your hybrid, as well as the tricky addition of premium feature, and not-so-premium car mats or paint jobs. Unfortunately, purchasing a hybrid isn't one standard price, but a whole lot of extra nips and grabs that will have you taking out a loan that you'll be paying off until the car's no longer in style.
2. Like A Bad Neighbor - In buying a new vehicle, your insurance rate will become under investigation faster than a game of Carmen Sandiego, and you won't have nifty little geographic clues to leave your insurance agent. Unfortunately, while your vehicle may be brand new, your insurance rates won't be reflecting that. In fact, expect to watch them slowly fizzle downward like flat soda.
3. The Whatzit Goes Where? - Maintaining a hybrid car is very up in the air, giving a new meaning to the term variable expense. The trick behind these vehicles is that the car will either run beautifully, where you have no need to worry about regular maintenance costs as the car is much kinder on filters and fuel injectors, or the vehicle will have one part fail, which is the major issue. The parts used in hybrid vehicles are lighter and cheaper to manufacturers, but are going to be hard to find. In fact, they can be impossible to find in some cases. So, while the vehicle may seem to have no problems, a sudden failed part could cost you in the thousands. The additional problem is even finding a mechanic that can fix your car. If that's a bust, you'll probably be heading to the dealership, and that's an expensive errand.
4. It's Not The Pink Bunny - Hands down, the number one financial snafu I have seen while looking at hybrid cars is the battery pack. Consumers are often unaware that the battery pack is supposed to be replaced every 80,000 to 100,000 miles. While some battery packs claim to last even longer, closer to 150,000 miles, the fact is that even to replace an individual cell on the pack is around $180, and that does not include labor. If you wanted to replace the whole shebang, that's going to be around $4,000 - at least. Either way, this battery isn't like an Energizer, and it won't always keep going.
5. Always Read The Fine Print - Warranties for typical cars are not cheap, but hybrid cars have warranties that are consistently more expensive. That seems like a headache, but, thankfully, the vast majority of the warranties are able to cover your hybrid beyond the shelf life of your battery. They tend to last 8 years or 100,000 miles, so, for the most part, if your battery fails, it would be under warranty. Just know that you will be paying a hefty sum to secure a comfort zone for your vehicle.
By Thomas Jones