People are anxious to find new ways to achieve better gas mileage with the current price at the pump. The strain on our wallet is noticeable and sometimes relief seems miles away. Which leaves us wondering, unless we're able stroll into our local car dealer and plunk down the money for a hybrid vehicle, is there anything we can do? The short answer, yes.
Thankfully there are steps we can take with our existing vehicle that can help improve our gas mileage and save money in the process. There are many new products and technologies emerging in the marketplace that are geared toward fuel efficiency but for our discussion, lets stick with the normal, day to day habits we can easily change to improve our situation.
Here are five easy steps you can take that, although not revolutionary, can help to lower your monthly gas bill for your vehicle.
Step one: Repeat after me, the freeway is not a race track, I am not Jeff Gordon. If you're gunning it on the road and weaving incessantly, you're going to burn through your gas tank needlessly. My advice is to switch to decaf, listen to some classical music and drive like a normal human being. Your fellow drivers will thank you and you'll get far better gas mileage.
Step two: For short trips, take a bike. No gas used, you burn calories, it's a win-win situation.
Step three: Don't fill up at a gas station located near a freeway. The prices are noticeably higher at these locations and while you may not think that ten cents more per gallon is much, if you do the math, it adds up over time. Keep a mental note of the gas stations you drive by to find the ones with the lowest prices. Chances are, they won't be located near a freeway. Once you find the cost-effective stations, visit them while you still have around a quarter of a tank. If you wait till the last minute when you're running on fumes, you may be forced to stop at one of the higher priced stations.
Step four: Get regular unleaded. Unless you have a high performance sports car do you really need the premium gasoline? Again, this is only around ten cents per gallon but once you do the math you'll find that it all adds up.
Step five: Keep your vehicle regularly serviced. Oil changes, tune-ups, air filter changes - all are important maintenance aspects of your engine. A properly serviced vehicle will not only extend the life of you vehicle but will improve your gas mileage as well. You save money on gas, you save money on engine repair, not a bad combination.
I hope these five easy tips are helpful to anyone trying to stretch their dollar when it comes to filling up at the pump. Even though they are small steps, you're still saving money. Who knows, one day you may have saved enough to buy that hybrid and that's where the real savings begin.
By Paul Renier
March 8, 2008
5 Steps to Improve Your Gas Mileage
March 6, 2008
The Future of the Diesel Fueling Industry
In the past twenty years, diesel engines have the connotations of pollution, heavy machinery, and uncomfortably loud noises. This image that many people have is beginning to take a turn for the change as several automakers are reinventing the diesel engine with remarkable results. Nearly 25 years ago, General Motors unveiled diesel powered Chevrolet Caprices and a few Oldsmobile models. These cars soon became the center of attention as the diesel engines were shaky, unreliable, and a total nightmare for the consumer. General Motors backed itself into a corner and paid a hefty amount to outfit the vehicles sold with new gasoline engines. Ever since the 'diesel disaster' as some automotive enthusiasts have come to call it, diesel engines have taken a back seat to many consumers' minds. General Motors failure in the 80s combined with increasing efforts to clean up the air and minimize pollution while maximizing engine efficiency pushed the diesel engine back years, but at the same time allowed it to be reinvented and instituted in an entire new way.
European car makers were among the largest importers of diesel engine cars and remain so today. Mercedes and Volkswagen were the largest of the importers and the success they have been experiencing has not gone unseen. There was a large dip in the number of these cars over a decade ago, but the diesel is reemerging as an efficient, cost-effective, and super reliable means of powering any car and not just a truck. Diesel engines have been implemented in sports cars, luxury vehicles, and even small cars such as Honda Civics and Chevrolet's Geo.
Chrysler has been trying diesel engines within its Jeep division and has seen great results, along with Ford who has been dabbling into pushing diesels into the smaller caliber vehicles such as the Taurus and Focus. What makes the new diesel engine system so attractive is the combination of a much improved fuel mileage, higher torque output, and an extremely reliable engine. Also, with the cost of diesel fuel often being cheaper than regular unleaded, it would cost less to fill up. As mentioned earlier, diesel engines are much more reliable than most gasoline engines. However a well taken care of diesel engine will often run for hundreds of thousands of miles longer than a gasoline engine.
Within five or ten years, the number of vehicles using diesel engines will likely jump a great deal and dominate a good portion of the automotive market. Asian automakers including Isuzu, Toyota, and Nissan are upping their investments in the North American auto industry, and the overseas car industry has been experimenting and implementing diesel engines longer than the United States. As the number of these imported cars increase, so will the likelihood of these automobiles running on diesel fuel.
Tom Tessin is an author for that is geared toward people looking to save on gas with gas rebate credit cards
By Tom Tessin
Accidental Airbag Deployment
What is the best method of airbag deactivation?
How safe is it? What about the new Hybrid vehicles?
What causes an accidental airbag deployment?
How can individuals protect themselves from personal harm caused by accidental deployments?
These are the critical questions on the minds of technicians, first-responders and car buffs as they work around vehicles with airbags. New cars can have as many as twelve, there's an accidental deployment waiting to happen!! There are many reasons why these systems malfunction, but for the most part, it's human error and common misconceptions that cause the problem. Let's explore the questions we posed earlier:
What is the best method of airbag deactivation?
Airbag deactivation:
Disconnect the battery and walk away for for 10-20 minutes.
All airbag systems have a backup power supply. This is primarily designed to allow the airbag system to deploy if the battery or power supply is damaged during the accident, but prior to any impact hat may harm the occupants. These power supplies can remain 'hot' for up to 20 minutes after the primary power supply is disconnected.
How safe is it?
For the most part, this procedure will disarm the system, HOWEVER, there are new problems that have arisen that are not the responsibility of the manufacturer. These problems arise when owners, technicians or other individuals begin installing aftermarket components, like cell phone adapters and cradles, i-pod/i-phone docking stations or auto computer / radio memory-savers.
These units are power supplies themselves and will back-feed power into the vehicle rearming airbags even with the main battery disconnected. To clarify this point, no matter how long you unplug the battery of a vehicle, if cell phones, i-pods or memory savers are plugged in or in use, the AIRBAGS ARE STILL LIVE!
What about the new Hybrid vehicles?
The new Hybrid and electric cars are a world to themselves. As this technology develops, each manufacturer's guidelines must be followed for proper and safe deactivation of the power systems.
What causes accidental airbag deployment?
Airbag systems are designed to deploy specific airbags under very specific impact, inertia and gravitational (g-force) conditions. Accidental deployment typically occurs during one of 3 conditions:
a. Manufacturer defects. If you want to check to see if your vehicle has been the subject of an airbag defect, recall or investigation, simply click on this link to enter your vehicle data.
b. Environmental conditions. We have found that moisture, rust, salt residue and other natural occurring elements and conditions can trigger the airbag firing mechanisms, causing an accidental airbag deployment.
c. Human involvement. Many times though, it's human intervention that causes an airbag to deploy without proper cause. Installations of aftermarket products, like radios, DVD players or custom interior dash lights are the most frequent culprits. A misplaced screw driven through a wiring harness, a pinched or shorted wire or a probe from a powered test light can all send power to the wrong circuit and cause the airbag to deploy instantly.
How can individuals protect themselves from personal harm caused by accidental deployment?
1. Never work on or around an airbag with a "LIVE" battery or power source connected.
2. Never tamper with, remove or service an airbag system without first knowing the dangers, precautions and procedures for proper removal, service or installation.
3. Follow the manufacturer guidelines for deactivation. Every manufacturer is different and has procedures available in their repair manuals and shop service manuals.
4. Use new, sealed, factory parts. Aftermarket, used and reconditioned parts do not always conform to the same strict safety guidelines required by law and may have been damaged, altered or tampered with affecting their dependability and safety. In addition, each state has its own regulations governing the sale and installation of used airbags.
5. Contact a professional in the business.
Airbag safety is nothing to ignore. Too many professionals, technicians and 'first responders' have already seen the cost of accidental deployment. Airbag systems are designed to be powerful and effective. They deploy with the same powerful forces regardless of whether it's during a collision or as a consequence of an accidental deployment. Keeping a safe distance, working with knowledge of each vehicle's system and respecting the dangers involved will keep you safe when working around airbags. By Paul Keller
March 5, 2008
Driving Test is a Necessity
You are planning to buy a car for your self and are surely interested in driving the same, but for this you require to get the license and to acquire the same you have to have the driving test. Though it is nothing but driving with confidence and follow all the rules with the driving inspector looking over you many times, you get nervous and then everything goes wrong. You may be the best driver but you are not able to clear a simple driving test. This is not because you lack the driving skills but just because the inspector is besides you and this seems as a threat. You get conscious and can't pull your act together.
Driving nerves may be caused because of various reasons such as over exertion of the body because of work, lack of confidence, or even the presence of an unknown person sitting besides you to judge your driving. This is a subconscious effect and is not known to many people. The mind becomes numb because of the same and what to do next is what runs in the mind. This may not only stop you from getting a driving license but also stop you from driving vehicles. To overcome this there are many ways like learning to drive with somebody you don't know well enough, but has passed the test and take feedback. Normally a learner tends to get scared as there are these tales stating that even if a single mistake is seen and observed the driving test result is negative.
This may be very frustrating and also agitating if you fail repeatedly in the same test again and again. To avoid this you may take the help of hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy for driving tests has shown many changes in the driving test result as people are more confident and they pass the test in the very next attempt that they get. This is a wrong idea that one may need to visit a psychiatrist for hypnotherapy. You may help your own self and resolve the issue of driving nerves and clear the test on your own. Today with the Internet growing faster and faster, there are many compact discs offered over the Internet so that one may help conquer a nerve wrecking experience of driving nerves. All you need to do is get the compact discs and utilize the knowledge after listening to the same and you would not require waiting for long to give the next attempt for a driving test.
Hypnotherapy helps you overcome all the hurdles and shall be very helpful to you in regards to the driving test results. Many people have seen success touching their feet with the use of such compact discs and when they appear for the driving test with the driving inspector sitting besides, is no longer a cause of worry. Hypnotherapy helps to cure such nerves and move faster and accurately without you even turning to a psychiatrist, you can now do it all on your own.
By Shanat Kuphur
Run Your Car On Hydrogen
Discover how to run your car on hydrogen in one weekend with minimal effort and expense. It's amazing to think that gas prices will hit $4.00 or more in the U.S. this year. In places like Africa and Europe it can cost as much as $7.00 per gallon. We still have it pretty good. But the sad truth is America is not as proficient at mass transit as these other countries and our dependency on our cars is much more prevalent. So our usage is more than double than these countries. Dependence on fossil fuel is like a drug to the Human race.
The technology to operate a motor on water has been around for over 100 years. The first motorized vehicle ever produced was made out of wood and used water as its fuel source. That was in the late 1800's. So why not water? Why the dependence on fossil fuel? Money of course.
Let's face it, to run your car on hydrogen (water) as a supplement with gas could increase your mileage by over 30-50% according to some studies. However, plan on getting 12% or better. This is a realistic average. 12% still equates to hundreds of dollars in fuel savings each year!
The oil industry and the U.S. could face bankruptcy if our dependency on oil were to be cut in half. Why do you think all the current technology or "hybrid" is based off of still using fossil fuels? So the government can still profit. If we used water as a fuel source the government would lose out all together. Our country in many way's would disintegrate.
Separating the water molecules into "browns gas" is a process that can be set-up in any vehicle from supplies you can buy at your local hardware and auto parts stores. You build a simple "gizmo" that fits into any car that separates the Oxygen and Hydrogen molecules from an on-board water source and infuses Hydrogen into your Gas/air mixture thus reducing gas usage and increasing overall engine efficiency. Studies show that mall amounts of hydrogen combined with the internal combustion engine increases engine performance, reduces toxic emissions & provides a more thorough burn of the fuel.
The cost to convert a vehicle is about $100. Would you spend $100 to save thousands every year on gas? Of course if it worked. The process to run your car on hydrogen is simple. You follow some very easy instructions.
It is 100% safe to use, won't void a warranty (you may want to verify this) in most cases and can be put together in a weekend. The best part is the plans cost less than $50 and the supplies you need are less than $100! So for about $150 and one weekend of fun you could run your car on hydrogen and start saving huge money on gas and helping the environment.
Tracy Mullins is a freelance content writer who lives in Denver Colorado with his four boys. Tracy has a wide range of experience in the transportation industry and enjoys writing to educate and help others on how to save money on their fuel costs. You can read more about him and his recommended resources at: Click Here!
March 4, 2008
Convert Water To Gas - The How-To Guide
If you've been wanting to increase your gas mileage, but really haven't had luck learning how it's done, then you're in luck. You're about to learn how it's possible to not only increase your fuel economy, but to nearly double your gas mileage. Rest assured you can forget about rising gas prices, now how about dealing with global warming?
It's estimated that in the next 5-10 years, we're going to have to adopt new and improved energy sources, as we are currently using resources that will soon be scarce, it's only natural to look for renewable energy sources. One such source is H2O, also known as water.
Did you know that with the right tools you can actually convert water to gas for your car or truck? This means much improved gas mileage for you, and better air for the planet, benefiting everyone. Burning water for gas really improves the environment as well, instead of adding smog and smoke to the atmosphere, that kills the planet. Instead of adding pollution you add a clean mist of steamed water that helps the planet breathe.
The way you convert water to gas is by adding a few essential components to your engine. Don't worry there are no modifications needed for your engine, you just simply have to install a few components to your engine. The components themselves can be put together by you, or your brother, if you know how to read and pop the hood, you can install the devices no problem.
What you do is convert water to a compound called HHO or hydroxy, a compound that's three times more effective in energy output than gasoline alone, making it a clear winner for an alternative fuel source. Through this procedure you end up supplementing your engine's gasoline with the energy of water. The whole process takes less than a day and when you finish installing each device, you get a car that will get a big increase in gas mileage for as long as you own that car, and hey once you add the kit and see those gas miles, you're never gonna want to sell it.
Interested in converting your car to burn water to double your mileage? The wait is over! Convert your car to burn water today and double your gas mileage! Convert Water To Gas Today
By Pete Rios
How Do Hydrogen Cars Work? Here's How
Fully powered hydrogen cars use only hydrogen for fuel. If you can find a hydrogen station, then having a hydrogen powered car can be very beneficial. But at this point, hydrogen cars have a long ways to go before they get adopted to the growing demand of vehicles.
Like gas powered vehicles, hydrogen cars utilize fuel, the use of hydrogen. The mileage is very discrete, it's estimated that you can go about a month driving in a hydrogen car without having to "re-fill" your tank. While solely powered hydrogen cars are still being engineered, it's now possible to modify your engine and convert your car to burn water, very similar to hydrogen powered cars. The difference is that you can convert your car to burn water today, as opposed to hydrogen cars which is supposed to launch after 2010.
When hydrogen cars become mass produced, the price is going to be steep. If you want to experience what the hydrogen-powered vehicles are going to offer in the future today, consider converting your current vehicle to use water for gas. It's very easy and fun to do. Many people have reported gains of over 100% gas mileage while most report gains of about 35%.
These are of course considering all types of driving conditions. So while hydrogen cars are still being drawn in the drawing board, you have the opportunity to convert your car to burn water. Hydrogen cars are going to double your gas mileage, but at the same time, the price is going to be twice as much, very important to know.
Interested in converting your car to burn water to double your mileage? The wait is over! Convert your car to burn water today and double your gas mileage! Increase Gas Mileage Today!
By Pete Rios
March 3, 2008
Car Seat Covers - Adding Value to the Car
One of the most joyous things in the world is to go on a long drive in your car. Indeed there is something inherently romantic about car rides that almost every one falls for it. However, have you ever spared a moments thought that had car been devoid of quality seat covers then the joy of car rides would have simply not been there. It is for this very reason that people are advised not to compromise on car seat covers. They would do well to understand that if they compromise on the quality of these covers then they might be able to save a little money but the sheen of their car would be lost considerably.
The value of car seat covers, therefore, can simply not be underestimated. A good quality cover would entice people to go more and more on rides whereas an inferior quality cover would ensure that al the joy of buying a car would simply vanish for no one would like to sit in a car which is uncomfortable. One thing should always be kept in mind by people that merely by spending money they wouldn't get a comfortable seat cover. What is required is a thorough understanding of one's need so that one can sit comfortably and enjoy the comforts of the car.
However, people would do well to ensure that they do a thorough research before opting for a particular type. Market is studded with car seat covers and therefore it is an absolute must to understand properly what one wants and what the quality of covers is, for there is no point in repenting later. Arrival of Internet has further provided people with plenty of options to check the stock available and make the choice available.
If these small points are taken care of then there can be no denying the fact that car seat covers would go a long way in increasing the value of your car.
About the Author: Garry Kelkar is an expert writer having perfection in automobile industry and presently writing on car parts topics like car horns, car fog lights, car heaters, car audio and so forth.
By Garry Kelkar
How to Make a Hydrogen Car? - Is Water 4 Gas True?
Are you looking to learn how to make a hydrogen car? The hydrogen power technology is truly fascinating, but it is something that not many people are aware of. Many people wonder where they can go to obtain the hydrogen. Well, the answer lies in the abundant resource we have called water!
1. How Can Water Be Used To Power A Car?
Water power technology is very uncommon for many people. Most of us only recognize the power of water being used to turn the turbines of huge dams. However, the truth is that water can be electrolyzed to obtain gases that are actually powerful fuel sources.
2. How Does The Hydrogen Car Technology Work?
As mentioned above, electrolysis is firstly done by passing electricity through the water. The electricity can be derived your car's battery. When this process is conducted, the molecules of water (consisting of hydrogen and oxygen atoms) will be broken up and one of the gases obtained is Brown Gas (HHO). When Brown Gas is combusted along with gasoline, it is able to produce energy that can be used to power a car.
3. Why Would People Use Hydrogen To Power Their Cars?
Since this system can be easily be built from home for less than $200, it is currently one of the best alternatives for gasoline. Users who have tried this system have reported savings of hundreds of dollars every month, and even more for those whose households consist of more drivers and automobiles.
4. Conclusion
The Hydrogen on Demand system today can power a car with water, although not 100%. It is still necessary to use some gasoline with it, except that you can now use much less of it and refill it less often. If you want to reduce your gas usage and increase car mileage, you should try it out.
Are you sick of expensive gas prices, and you want to have your own hydrogen powered car? Click Here to Download Step-By-Step Guides that teach you how to modify your car at now!
By Judd Marshall
March 2, 2008
Domestic Car Repair - 5 Ways to Make Sure You Don't Get Screwed
Today's cars are becoming increasingly more complex, meaning that domestic car repair requires advanced expertise now more often than not. Unfortunately, this also means that as the general public is less likely to have the knowledge necessary to fix their own cars, some domestic car repair shops are more likely to take advantage of their customers' ignorance.
As it turns out, not knowing much about domestic car repair can end up costing you quite a bit if your mechanic recommends unnecessary repairs. The Internet abounds with complaints and lawsuits alleging that auto repair shops charged their customers for unnecessary repairs. Here are 5 ways to protect oneself from being a victim in a similar case.
1: Research every domestic car repair shop you are considering. Thorough research is your number one best weapon against devious mechanics. This means checking out a repair shop through ever means available to you: word-of-mouth, the Internet, and resources such as the Better Business Bureau.
Ask around to see if anyone you know has used the repair shops you are considering, and whether their experiences were good or bad. You can also search for each repair shop's name on the Internet, as there are many forums online where people can post complaints, or praise, about their mechanics. Resources such as the Better Business Bureau can be found online and offline, and offer a way to check a business's standing and whether there are any unresolved complaints against them.
2: Ask for recommendations. This isn't quite the same as independently researching domestic car repair shops. If you don't even know where to start, or you would rather go to a shop with which someone you know has had personal experience, you can ask around for recommendations. Rank recommendation according to how long your friend has been taking their car there for example, if they have been using the same mechanic for fifteen years, their recommendation means more than someone's who has just used that mechanic once.
3: Ask lots of questions. It's perfectly fine to ask lots of questions before making a final decision to take your car there. For instance, you might want to ask about their prices, their guarantees or warrantees, how much experience their mechanics have, whether they have won any awards, and how they handle customer complaints.
Another thing to ask about is the repair work you need done. Asking many thorough, intelligent questions about the repairs that will need to be done, and any related systems, indicates that you are interested in knowing more about your car. It also indicates that you are not an easy person to take advantage of. Finally, a repair shop that is unwilling to answer your questions should indicate that you are better off taking your car elsewhere.
4: Show an interest in your car. When you take your car in for repairs, it is best not to leave it alone while you go to work or shop. Waiting for your car makes it harder for the repair shop to get away with unnecessary repairs. The shop needs to ask for approval before performing any work other than what you originally requested, and if you are right there waiting it will be easier to request a detailed explanation of the repair and why your car needs it.
On the other hand, in cases where the repair shop calls to request permission, the customer usually requests less information before approving the repair and repair shops know this. Leaving is a sign that you are too busy to care about keeping tabs on your car's repairs.
5: Request to see the problem. You often have a legal right to see the damaged part. This ensures two things: One, that the repair shop actually did replace the part, and didn't just clean the original part up and charge you for a replacement they never installed, and two, that the part did in fact need to be replaced.
When asking to see a damaged part, always request that they show you the problem, that is, why the part needed to be replaced in the first place. Also ask to see the new part if they have it on hand, on the grounds that you would like to see the difference or see what an undamaged part looks like. If you are waiting for your car when they ask your permission, ask to see the problem before approving the repair work.
The reason why domestic car repair shops get away with making unnecessary repairs is usually because the customer is too lazy to verify the need for the repair. You may have heard that a thief or rapist is more likely to choose a victim whose body language indicates that she is an easy target. The same goes with domestic car repair. The more interest and intelligence you show when dealing with an auto repair shop, the less likely a dishonest mechanic is to try to push unnecessary repairs on you. Your best method of protecting yourself is therefore to be as informed, and as involved, as possible.
Andy West is a freelance writer for DAE, which offers valuable domestic car repair and domestic automotive maintenance in the Houston area.
By Andy West
Increase Fuel Economy, With Low Tech, Proven Techniques
The price of gas keeps going up and so does the amount of untried and untested items that are professed to get you increased fuel economy. I've been involved with making cars go longer and stronger, on less and less, since 1967 and have seen lots of different ideas. Some work and others don't. It's a case of upsides and downsides.
One downside is, you may find the item only works in the inventor's or salesperson's mind and has no foundation in fact. The good thing is there are items that are low-tech, have been proven to save fuel, increase power, lower emissions, keep the engine clean and are installed on possibly thousands of vehicles.
There is another downside though. Most systems only incorporate one aspect of the entire picture and cost about what you'll save if you have it on your car for a period of years. The upside is that it's possible to get all the proven, time tested items in one package and you can build it yourself for as little as $50.00 in parts, and build it one stage at a time when you can.
Recently, I read an article on that talked about water injection. The problem with water injection is: true water injection, like fuel injection, requires pumps, injectors, regulators and cubic dollars. Anyone who has been involved with cars for a long period, especially race cars, knows that for a fact. Unless we have deep pockets, or are well established and funded in race cars, true water injection is out of the question. Water injection for race cars is first and foremost for horsepower. The average person has neither the need, the expertise nor money to build and install true water injection.
Water vapor, is a different situation. Most of us have experienced increased horsepower when there's increased water vapor (humidity) in the air as on a foggy day. I have a friend who's a retired CHP and he says he always gave more speeding tickets on foggy days. Human nature: if you've got it; use it! There's a reason for the increased HP and it equates directly to economy, read my next post "Efficiency Equals Economy" for the techy part.
Water vapor is reasonably easy, quick, safe and inexpensive to implement, but it's only one piece of the entire puzzle. If you don't have all the pieces, you only see part of the picture and can't get all of the possible benefits. The best way to learn something new, or explore someplace you've never been, is to have a guide that can show you step by step how it's done best.
Larry R. Miller has been a championship race car driver, much sought after automotive mechanic, businessman since 1967, freelance writer since 1982 and has taught classes on increasing fuel economy that have cost his students hundreds of dollars. He has a DVD that's a copy of one of his classes and it can be accessed at
By Larry R Miller