Discover how to run your car on hydrogen in one weekend with minimal effort and expense. It's amazing to think that gas prices will hit $4.00 or more in the U.S. this year. In places like Africa and Europe it can cost as much as $7.00 per gallon. We still have it pretty good. But the sad truth is America is not as proficient at mass transit as these other countries and our dependency on our cars is much more prevalent. So our usage is more than double than these countries. Dependence on fossil fuel is like a drug to the Human race.
The technology to operate a motor on water has been around for over 100 years. The first motorized vehicle ever produced was made out of wood and used water as its fuel source. That was in the late 1800's. So why not water? Why the dependence on fossil fuel? Money of course.
Let's face it, to run your car on hydrogen (water) as a supplement with gas could increase your mileage by over 30-50% according to some studies. However, plan on getting 12% or better. This is a realistic average. 12% still equates to hundreds of dollars in fuel savings each year!
The oil industry and the U.S. could face bankruptcy if our dependency on oil were to be cut in half. Why do you think all the current technology or "hybrid" is based off of still using fossil fuels? So the government can still profit. If we used water as a fuel source the government would lose out all together. Our country in many way's would disintegrate.
Separating the water molecules into "browns gas" is a process that can be set-up in any vehicle from supplies you can buy at your local hardware and auto parts stores. You build a simple "gizmo" that fits into any car that separates the Oxygen and Hydrogen molecules from an on-board water source and infuses Hydrogen into your Gas/air mixture thus reducing gas usage and increasing overall engine efficiency. Studies show that mall amounts of hydrogen combined with the internal combustion engine increases engine performance, reduces toxic emissions & provides a more thorough burn of the fuel.
The cost to convert a vehicle is about $100. Would you spend $100 to save thousands every year on gas? Of course if it worked. The process to run your car on hydrogen is simple. You follow some very easy instructions.
It is 100% safe to use, won't void a warranty (you may want to verify this) in most cases and can be put together in a weekend. The best part is the plans cost less than $50 and the supplies you need are less than $100! So for about $150 and one weekend of fun you could run your car on hydrogen and start saving huge money on gas and helping the environment.
Tracy Mullins is a freelance content writer who lives in Denver Colorado with his four boys. Tracy has a wide range of experience in the transportation industry and enjoys writing to educate and help others on how to save money on their fuel costs. You can read more about him and his recommended resources at: Click Here!