November 21, 2007

7 Ways To Protect Your Car Audio Equipment

A lot of People lose their car audio equipment to thieving rats. This can be easily prevented or reduced if you'll do the following...

1) Get a good car security system. And when you do, make sure you activate it always. A lot of people are funny. They'll buy a good car security system but will often forget to use it.

2) Buy car audio units that have theft-deterrence systems. These come in different designs. There is certainly one out there that will suit your taste.

3) Pack your car in well-lit areas.

4) Avoid flashy stickers. They attract attention. You don't want to give thieves such "steal me" signals.

5) Remember to lock your car always.

6) While installing your car audio equipment, try to use screws that have uncommon heads. If you use standard screws, you make it easy for thieves. If you use, say, a hex-head, you make it much more difficult for thieves for the simple reason that they’re less likely to have such bits.

7) In spite of all these you may still lose your stuff. That's why you need to get a car insurance policy that also takes care of your car audio equipment completely. It's not just about getting a comprehensive plan. How comprehensive is your comprehensive policy? Read the fine lines and make sure you are truly covered. It's painful to discover later that your comprehensive policy does not cover your custom stereo.

Before I drop my pen I think you should know that getting a policy that covers your car stereo completely doesn't necessarily mean you have to spend much more than otherwise. There is a process that guarantees massive savings in car insurance. If you employ it you can save up to $1000. All you'll then do is use part of it for a rider to cover your car audio equipment if your policy doesn't cater for it.

Would you like to learn the foundational process to getting huge savings in car insurance?

Click here to see how a simple process can save you over $1000.

Chimezirim Odimba writes.

Different Ways To Protect Your Car Audio Equipment

You might have spent quite a reasonable sum on your car audio equipment. But have you given some thought to protecting your investment? Yes, you may say. After all, you have a comprehensive car insurance policy in place. But does that really protect your investment completely? Not really! You can take other steps to ensure you protect yourself from loss especially if yours are high end aftermarket audio equipment...

A security system is a must if you've spent any reasonable sum on your car audio system. These security systems come in different shapes and shades. You can easily find one that fits into your budget. But wait a minute, if you've spent a few thousand dollars on getting the "bestest" in audio equipment, it certainly won't hurt if you spend a tiny percent to get a solid security system.

As you shop for your security system, ask if the manufacturer provides any form of incentive for using their brand. A number of them will at least cover part of your deductible (That is the amount you must pay from your pocket before the insurance company pays your claims).

Also make sure you don't attract thieves to your audio equipment. There are certain designs that conceal or camouflage what you have inside. And, please, don't put flashy stickers on your car. I am told that they are almost equivalent to telling thieving rats that there's something in your car they'll like to pick.

Remember to lock your car doors. I know it sounds stupid but believe it or not a lot of folks lose their valuable equipment just because they forgot to lock their car doors. Don't be in such a hurry that you forget to double check.

Now back to an insurance policy that will take care of you: A comprehensive cover will do just fine if all you've got is your factory-fitted system. However, if you have customized things a bit or just replaced your factory head unit with a high end custom stereo then you'll do well to take an additional policy (a rider) just to cover that.

Does this mean you'll have to spend some extra after your regular car insurance? It depends! If you learn how to make considerable savings in your car insurance, you can use just a part of it to take a rider. It's easy and something everyone can do. Furthermore, it doesn't involve so much time investment but can result in savings of up to $1000.

Would you like to learn the foundational process to getting huge savings in car insurance?

Click here to see how a simple process can save you over $1000.

Chimezirim Odimba writes.

Why A High Quality Auto Sound System Is A Great Investment In Your Automobile

For those people who love music and like to take it with them, there are many systems that you can plug your music right in to. It doesn't matter what kind of mp3 player you may have all of the newer stereos have the plug in for the mp3 connect.

Many of us know that bringing an mp3 player around with you everywhere you go is a lot better then bringing a book full of CDs with you. It is also a good tool because a lot of people only like one or two songs from a CD so now you can just download the certain ones you want directly to your mp3. Having a sound system that you can just plug your mp3 up to is better then having a ton of CDs.

I don't know about you but I am totally fascinated by audio books. You will learn that these books can teach you about your audio that you may have and teach you how to fix them if they may become broken. So if you’re going on a trip and somehow your stereo stops working you might be able to fix it using the book you had brought with you. You might also be able to fix something you had wanted to fix for a while.

I typically try to find books that kids like so they are not bored the whole trip. This gets them to start reading and so they are not really worried about the, “are we there yet” part. Great sound systems don’t only sound good but they make the music that you are listening to sound a lot better and cleaner. This is not only true when it comes to news or just talk shows but it is also good for everything you might think of when it comes to music.

When you start looking for the perfect sound system for you be sure to look for the one with all the things you want including all the features you may be looking for. You can find systems today that have a built in GPS or DVD player or radios, mp3s anything you can think of can most likely be in a sound system too. Pick the sound system you really want and try and make it last as long as possible and enjoy it for as long as it lasts because you may never find one like it again A premium sound system is something that will stay with your car until it dies or you trade it in but try to make your choice long before you are looking to trade it in. At the same time a system is a good reason to keep the vehicle longer instead of trading it in. I wouldn’t even bother installing a premium sound system in a car if I was just going to trade it in so if you are going to be trading your car in and think you may get a better deal because of it having a good sound system think again. The idea is to install a sound system so you will have it to listen to for a long time.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about audio systems as well as car care products at
By Gregg Hall

How And Why Automotive Sound Systems Are Evolving Into Entertainment Systems

If you've been looking for a system then you have probably been looking for an entertainment system as well. Vehicles today offer many different things to be installed like DVD players, CD players, multiple speakers, and even TVs; there are many different things. In addition to all of those there are more that are calling you to buy them. Most of these even offer mp3 connection.

The jury is still out for people having DVD players in their cars. While this is happening many companies put together large packages as for DVD player n such and often offer free installation or a heck of a deal. I am aware that many feel it as a distraction to other drivers. I'm one of the other people that feel that DVD players are a good idea to reducing distraction from rear passengers seeing that they are focused on the DVD player instead of talking loudly and disrupting the driver.

I will say that many people are wondering what this has to do with sound systems just bare with me. One of the newer features companies have today is that rear passengers can have their own set of headphones while watching their own LCD screen in front of them from the head rest this is causing less distraction to the driver.

The fact of the matter is the DVD player is no different then having toddlers in the back yelling for your attention while driving so its better to have a DVD player in the rear so they can be focused on that instead of you and your driving. The problem with those is that some audio books are not meant for younger ears so its good to have those for later but its also good to have the children focused on something else then you while your driving like the DVD player through your sound system.

The technology exists for this and I hope they will come out with new things to make cars a better place for sound systems. We live in a world where technology is always changing and upgrading so it’s good to watch and wait for another good sound system to come out.

Whether you are new to the technology of today you should like it and embrace it. This means that you should just get over the old and in with the new so you don’t have to do it later. I often feel that we are catching up to the “Jetsons” world because we are constantly moving up in technology. I am also glad to see that we are making sound systems more then just one size some people like a really loud system some like it smooth but either way your still going to have the side of technology on your side and will still have all the good features you are wanting. So go out there and purchase your premium sound system today and start living your life in the way of technology today.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about audio systems as well as car care accessories at

By Gregg Hall

Some Automotive Sound System Ideas For The Budget Minded Consumer

Despite popular belief it is possible to get a premium sound system with a budget. I completely understand what being on a budget can mean. I can tell you that you can get a quality sound system for under $300.

There are many things you can do to lower the price of the sound system you are wanting. First of all the competition in this area is quite big. As a result of that you will see that prices at every store will tend to be the same or a little higher so your best bet may be to look online. Look around online because that’s the only place you’re going to find the cheap system of your dreams.

Once you have found the cheapest online price, get on the phone with local stores. Many local stores feel the need to compete with online prices. As a result of your findings many stores will lower the price throwing in freebies and upping the installation fee. Once you have received a few upgrades, continue making calls and watch them compete for your business. Take into account the value of the freebies and upgrades to you. If you really have no use for the things they offer you then take the better offer on better speakers and what not. Be sure to agree with the upgrades they are giving you. Also consider the value of the upgrades they have given you and match the bargain with others.

Another truth when it comes to buying a sound system you do not have to buy the best one there is in order to get quality sound and music you can spend much less on a product just as good and get the same results. Spend your money where you think it matters the most. Sometimes you are paying for nothing more than the name on the product most others are better. I'm a big fan of Bose. I love the sound and have yet to discover a better product at lower cost. That does not mean that I wouldn’t get a different brand if the other brand was cheaper and produced more power and better sound. In fact, I have held on to my car just so I could have my sound system. A Bose sound system is not a budget grabber but it is good quality, but you can find deals for cheap that offer the same thing so don’t buy the name brand just cause its cool buy the brand that has better quality and price.

In reality, there are many discount deals you can find online and off that offer premium sound and music. You can keep looking for the cheapest or go with the best but it’s good to keep looking for what you really want because something else expensive may have caught your attention and you could have waited and had the cheaper better version of what you wanted.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about audio systems as well as car care tools at
By Gregg Hall

The Concept Of Buying Auto Stereo Components One By One

Those who are in market for sound systems are probably well aware of the thoughts in the process. The days where you go in pick what you want and walk out with pieces are gone the day of the premium sound is in. The truth of the fact is people tend to have different styles and likes to their sound systems.

Because of budgets manufactures have realized that people will buy piece by piece in order to create the sound system they really want. This is actually a very good way for people on a budget to get the system they want. As a result you will see that speakers, subs, amps, and CD players are sold separately at reasonable prices.

Most of us hate living on budgets but later will realize that it helped them get what they wanted without debt. Living on a budget isn’t such a bad thing. If we had everything we wanted what would we have to look forward to in life? At least that is what I keep telling myself. I, however, seem to be the king of low prices. I like finding what I have been wanting for a long time and finding it cheap but I hate after buying what I wanted and finding it cheaper. Anyways, I tend to look for the best price before buying the product I want. A premium sound system with all the features you want and good quality you can usually find for around $1000 that’s for everything.

That doesn't mean you need to do anything you can do get $1000 and get the system of your dreams. You can find a decent set of speakers for around $50-$300, but this is the price you will pay anywhere to get the set of speakers you need. Keep in head that you can find more expensive speakers with better quality. Living on a budget means you will have to give some stuff up to get the things you want in life. Buy the speakers and have them installed or install them yourself if you know how.

Once you have the first piece, whichever one that may be you can begin saving and looking for the next piece you may need in creating the perfect sound system for your car, truck or SUV. You should also keep in mind that around the holidays many family members are often asking what they can get you keep in mind that you may want them to get you something you may need along the way to building your complete sound system. Many people are glad to help if they know what the thing you need is and can actually find it at a reasonable price. The point is to get closer and closer to your goal to completing your sound system so take it one step at a time. Try and find your pieces at a lower rate then what you are wanting and you might find something that you like instead of the item you are wanting.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about audio systems as well as car care at

By Gregg Hall

Some Of The Reasons You Should Consider A Premium Sound System For Your Car

I can’t imagine entering my daily day and not having my sound system. Music in the morning is as important as breathing. If I start out my day with no music and sound the day has already started out the wrong way. Music is an important thing to anyone that’s like me. My wake up call in the morning is to the sound of my favorite radio station or favorite song.

The point of all this is that I am not alone in the mornings. If I were there would an absolute need for music. Today you can even have CD alarm clock in order to get up. Of course this brings me to an important point. A premium sound system should sound better then your alarm clock. Most alarm clocks will not have the best quality of sound. They are designed for less space and to be as annoying as possible to get you up out of bed and turn them off. If the music is good and quality even better, most of us can ignore the alarm clock and go back to sleep.

While you do not want your sound system to put you to sleep you want to enjoy the music that the quality is giving you. You are, after all paying for it every month with a lot of your own money. Some may say this is a big deal but a lot of other people spend more of their time in their cars than they do in front of their televisions and are more likely to spend more on a big TV or LCD. I like being around nice things and music happens to be one of them. A premium sound system is a way I can bring music in and out of my daily life every day. I am pretty sure there are others out there just like me. Just like the alarm clock radios everyone in retail is competing to get you to buy their sound system.

The thing to you is finding the sound you like at an affordable rate and bringing it home with you that day you find it. A premium sound system for your car or truck isn’t an instant buy. This is a thing you should look around for and compare prices so you find the system you want. Also consider things such as free installation and lower prices before you buy an automotive sound system. It could very well happen that the same sound system you want will cost the same at all stores, if one of those stores deals offers you free installation you should pick that one because you might not find another deal like that even if the price is a little steeper then you would want it to be .

There are a lot of different things to think about when choosing the right sound system for your car. The most important of those things is how well you like the one you are looking at. After all this is your money and you should spend it on the best system you can find for the price you’re wanting and the features you are looking for as well.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about audio systems as well as car accessories at

By Gregg Hall

The Best Tech Accessories You Can Put in Your Car

Ok. You bought your dream car. It has the most powerful YET fuel efficient engine on the market. You have to do your part in fighting global warming after all. The car comes with everything you’ve always wanted. It even comes with bells and whistles you never even knew existed.

By the end of this decade, a third of your car's value will be in its electronics and advanced technologies. Current tech toys not only makes your car more fun but also safer to drive and lets them go farther on a gallon of fuel, and emit less pollution; all while zipping around corners quickly.

However, did you know that you can even add more technology to the car? Believe it or not but you actually can. There are advances in Bluetooth and navigation aspects. If you’re car didn’t come with a backup camera factory installed, then don’t worry. They now make backup cameras which shoot clearer than your current digital camera. Isn’t it exciting?

Here is a list put together from the people at Car and Driver and PC World of the newest and best add-on tech accessories being sold for your car. While some of these may not be cheap, they are definitely fun.

Traffic Info: Garmin Nüvi 680 – The best is never the cheapest. These shirt-pocket devices are the Nüvi 680. They come with a 4.3-inch quarter VGA (QVGA, or 320-by-240) LCD screen. You can connect it to your car's power and it receives real-time traffic reports, giving you a better idea of roads to avoid.

Add-On: HD Radio Directed Electronics Car Connect DMHD1000 - HD Radio can triple the radio broadcasts you receive. One frequency will carry the digital station while two others are multi-cast over the same frequency. The Car Connect HD tuner connects to any existing radio via the antenna for no loss of signal quality. All you need to do is mount a small module on the dash, then tune your radio to an unused FM station, or use the auxiliary input.

Car Stereo: Sony MEX-BT5000 - For a unique way to experience Bluetooth in your car, you need to replace your old stereo with one that integrates the latest in Bluetooth technology. The MEX-BT5000 has an AM/FM receiver, CD player, 24-bit DAC, and more. This Bluetooth isn't just for phone calls. Using a device supporting A2DP (the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile), you can stream music off devices, and there are plug-in modules for iPods and satellite radio.

Cell-Phone Navigator: LG 9900 ENV – It seems every day portable navigators shrink even smaller and smaller. They’re so tiny; it’s difficult to remember to take them with you. Consider this like a cell phone with navigation built-in, such as the LG 9900 enV running VZ Navigator software from Verizon and Networks in Motion. Place messaging lets you send a "GPS thumbtack" to someone else's phone, setting your location as the destination.

GPS Navigation: Alpine PMD-B100 Blackbird – This one has it all. Here's a navigation device you can use three ways: Try it as a battery-operated walkabout unit with a 3.6-inch color screen, as a dashboard-mounted personal navigation aid, or add a $200 docking module to it which hides the Blackbird under your seat and connects to an Alpine AV head unit with a big LCD. This last option gives you a system nearly as good as what you'd get built into a new car.

Cell-Phone Adapter: Parrot CK3100 LCD - Cell phones can be distracting and often illegal when held in your hand. If you’re not a fan of an earpiece dangling as you drive, get a dash-mounted Bluetooth adapter such as Parrot's, which connects to most car stereos or a separate speaker. Only a small display stays visible. There is also voice recognition which lets you dial by name.

For further information on any of these tech accessories listed above be sure to check Car and Driver Magazine and Popular Science available for purchase at Magsforless at They sell over 75 different automotive magazine subscriptions and hundreds of other cheap magazines to choose from.

By J Simkhai

Car Stereo Wiring 101 - A Must Read!

I have come across a lot of car stereo systems over the past 10 years or so. There are so many "techniques" to installing head units. Everyone has their own opinion of what is right and wrong when wiring up a system, but just because it works doesn't make it right.

I asked Majestic Modifications what their opinion was on the subject. How do they install so many units and always get it right?

First, if applicable, always use the harnesses. The aftermarket wiring harness will usually take the guesswork out of the installation. These harnesses attach to the vehicle's factory wiring harness and gives you a color coded installation. You just attach red to red, yellow to yellow, etc. But is that all an installer should know?

Starting with your digital multimeter, find the power sources in the harness. One source will be continuous 12 volts, the other will be the ACC (ignition) 12 volts. These two will go with the yellow and red wires from the aftermarket head unit's harness. They are labeled accordingly. It is usually a good idea to attach the ground wire to the frame of the dash. A lot of head units come with a connector for this already attached to the ground wire. Secure these in place with some solder and shrink tubing. Slip the shrink tubing over one of the wires to be connected and move it out of the way. Connect the wires and dab a little solder on the wires. Let cool and then slide the heat shrink tubing over the connection. Heat with a heat gun/hair dryer to shrink the tubing to fit.

You can try to look on the internet for the wiring colors, but good luck. They will tell you the "typical" wire colors, but chances are it will be different. You can try two techniques to find the right wires. Clip the rest of the wires from the factory harness. You can test the speakers with a good 9 volt battery to see which speakers are which. Two wires connected to the same speaker will make it pop. Note which speaker makes the pop and attach it to that speakers wiring from the head unit. I like to turn the unit on and make sure the wires are the right polarity. A reverse wired speaker will not have as good a sound as a properly wired one. Continue the technique until all the speakers are connected.

The other way you can trace the speakers down is to turn on the head unit, but be VERY careful to not cross any wires. Start with a pair of wires, and attach them one at a time until you get sound. Note which speaker it is and attach it to that speaker's wires from the wiring harness, taking not of polarity. Continue until all the wires are in place. Zip tie the wire together and neatly tuck them behind the head unit.

Be sure you have a good ground wire connection. Be sure that RCAs or signal wires are running away from any power wires or sources, and are not run parallel to them.

If you want a neat trick, you can attach the 12 volt acc to the illumination wire, and you will be able to turn the unit on with your parking light switch. Take note, that anytime the unit is on, the dash panel lights will be on too, but you won't notice them in the daytime. The illumination wire is used to turn the factory radio lights on at night.

Not having the wiring harness for your vehicle is not a do or die situation. If you can get the harnesses, save the hassle and time and use it. If you find yourself in a bind, then follow the steps above and get it installed correctly.

Majestic Modifications is the complete car customization concept, specializing in car accessories, cold air intakes and performance upgrades, body kits and exterior accessories, glow gauges and interior accessories, wheels and tires, mobile video, car audio and electronics.

By Matt Brooks

Car Subwoofers - How Do They Work?

Car Subwoofers are widely used by car owners and fans. However, a lot of people don't know what a subwoofers are and what do they do? Car Subwoofers are loudspeakers intended to generate the lowest frequencies, or bass end of the audible sound range. Car Subwoofers range from 4" in diameter all the way up to 36" meant for highly specialized scientific purposes. For the majority of consumer purposes however, sizes are pretty much consistent at 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 inches, with the 6.5 to 12 inch sizes being the most used.

Because car subwoofers are specialized reproducers, their design maximizes their potential for generating the lowest frequency. Therefore they will have cones that are balanced in such a way as to promote the maximum back and forth motion, called XMAX. Middle frequencies have smaller cones and less excursion, or cone travel. Tweeters have cones, domes, or diaphragms that may seem almost motionless. Even so, they can produce sound in their frequency range that is just as powerful as their larger siblings.

Car Subwoofer cones must move in and out with the longest possible extension because sound waves get longer as they get lower in frequency. Current technology provides us with firm cone materials like Polypropylene, Carbon and Polymer Laminates that preserve their shape under stress, resist moisture, and are very light. The cone works as a piston to compress and alternatively evacuate large masses of air. To do this most effectively, the subwoofer must be connected to an amplifier that produces the high amplitude waveforms that can create this motion. Because such signals require substantial electrical power behind them to control the cone movement, the highest power available is needed strictly for bass reproduction.

Most car subwoofers are housed in a box (enclosures) to achieve their maximum audio power.


By Bishara Hazboun

Adding An Amplifier To Your Car Stereo System

To get the loudest and best sound quality from your car's stereo system, you will need to add an amplifier to the system. As good as after market head units are, they just don't produce enough power to give you great sound at higher volumes. Here are some tips for adding an amplifier to your car stereo system.

Amplifiers can take the signals from your head unit and give you a much more powerful, cleaner signal to power your cars speakers. When adding am amplifier, it is important to know your speakers limitations. Most factory speakers won't do well with an amplified signal, so you will want to upgrade these as well in a lot of cases. Look for the ratings of continuous power or RMS ratings. These ratings will give you the best indication of how much power the speakers can hold. Match this rating to the amplifier rating to ensure you are getting everything out of the system, and that you will have a system that will be durable and last.

The signals the speakers receive should also be taken into account. Larger subwoofers need the frequencies on the lower end to produce the bass tones, but you wan to be sure to exclude frequencies that are above, and below, the recommended range. Too low and you risk damaging the speaker, and too high can cause some undesirable results sound wise. Most amps are quipped with a subsonic (too low of a frequency) filter to avoid the low frequencies. They also have a crossover that will eliminate the higher frequencies as well. These two components allow the speaker to get the frequencies it needs for optimum performance.

Smaller speakers should also be set up to get the frequencies they need. If amplified, these speakers almost always should have a crossover attached to ensure that big bass tones won't damage the speakers designed for midrange response and high frequencies. Dividing the sound into low, middle and high frequencies using the different types of speakers creates a medley of tuned sound that gives the experience we want from our systems.

Pay attention to ohms and power ratings, and be sure to match all accordingly. Combining multiple speakers on one channel always affects the ohm rating of the system, and can be detrimental if the system is not designed for it. Subwoofer amplifiers tend to be more forgiving due to their low impedance (ohms) ratings and flexibility. Remember, it is the combination of power and precision that make the system sound the best.

Majestic Modifications is the complete car customization concept, specializing in auto accessories, cold air intakes and performance upgrades, body kits and exterior accessories, glow gauges and interior accessories, wheels and tires, mobile video, car audio and electronics.
By Matt Brooks

How To Properly Install Your Own Car Stereo System And When You Shouldn't

Have you ever wondered if you could perform a car stereo installation yourself? The fact is that you can do it yourself, so spend that money on your hardware! Don't throw money away on labor. Besides the money savings, doing a car stereo install yourself can be a very gratifying experience, not to mention you will be able to learn a lot from it as well. Nothing quite beats the feeling of beholding your "creation" in action, operating smoothly and perfectly.

When you are installing a car stereo you have to ascertain what kind of system you're going to install in your vehicle. If you are a novice, it is better you attempt a car stereo install if it's just a simple system. You might prefer to leave the complex stuff to the audio professionals, like installing sensitive equipment such as LCD panels, motorized parts etc particularly if it calls for the creation of custom panels and such.

Receivers or head units are among the easiest to do when installing a car stereo. Fortuitously, just about all units abide by the same size standards (DIN). In a lot of cars, when the factory radio is tak en out the aftermarket radio receiver will fit in the empty hole. In many other automobiles, a special kit is called for if the factory hole is too large, or not deep enough. In a few instances the dash has to be modified by cutting it and making it larger. If this is the case for you, any car stereo store should have the kits required for the modification.

There are two main types of mounting systems in a car stereo installation. ISO mounting is when the radio can be attached to existing factory radio brackets, which is the case in most Japanese automobiles. Ring mounting is when an aftermarket radio goes with a metal ring that is mounted to the factory radio hole or with an aftermarket kit thru flexible tabs. In a lot of cars, dash and trim rings must be filed to expand the radio hole. When the ring is installed, the radio receiver slides in and is confined by snaps. In most situations, special tools are needed to remove the radio.

In a simple car stereo install, you'll likely be utilizing speakers that accommodate a factory location. Just make certain there are no gaps or holes. Occasionally constructing a wood or fiberglass baffle aids to reduce holes and brings about a much better sound. But always be mindful when using power tools close to speakers. Car stereo warranties typically don't cover holes in speakers.

A car stereo install has to be done well to deal with vibrations and other noise sources in its environment. Even though it is unimaginable to do away with these altogether, there are products that will greatly diminish the noise and rattling, especially on non-luxury automobiles. Linings, sprays and adhesive material and even carpet applied onto the panels can make huge difference.

Gregg Hall is an author living with his beautiful wife and family in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about car stereos as well as car care products at
By Gregg Hall

Making Installing a TV Tuner in Your Car a Simple Project

In-car TV tuners aren't just for mini-vans and large SUV's anymore. Technology and car audio have joined forces to make those long road trips seem enjoyable for once. With their hard work even the smallest compact car can now benefit from a drop-down screen to watch the latest DVD's or to even watch the local television stations. Thanks to this latest innovation in car audio that whole "are we there yet" is dead and hopefully gone forever.

What also makes TV tuners in your car a great thing is that they are absolutely an affordable option for any car owner. It can be as simple or as complex as you want with choices such as a portable all-in-one system that hangs from the roof or to custom component integrations which are stowed away in your dash or headrests. They pretty much can be installed virtually anywhere in your car.

The intricacies in wiring it, mounting it, and deciding which of your current stereo components can stay, which can go, and which get hooked to what can be overwhelming to someone less experienced in car audio installation. That doesn't mean you shouldn't or can't try however. Here are a few quick and simple steps to show you how.

Before you go uninstalling your car's dashboard or actually anything at all, read up on which TV tuners are compatible with your current video system. There are certain tuners that will only work with the same brand of video equipment for your unit to work correctly.

Lift up your car's hood and, with a wrench or socket, disconnect the battery cables from the battery. If you are not sure which size socket you should use, your owner's manual can tell you the correct size.

Now you need to make a decision on where you are going to mount the TV tuner. The spot should be in a location where it won't be hit, bumped, or crushed which is one reason why under the seat or in the trunk are two of the more popular choices. The tuner unit should have come with mounting brackets and screws for you to install it correctly.

The tuner will be powered by your car's power supply and battery so you'll need to route the TV tuner's power wire to that fuse block. The power wire is then connected to an accessory power output in the fuse block. If you have any questions about the location of the accessory output or the fuse block, refer back to your car's owner's manual again.

The tuner's infrared receiver or also called its "eye" is attached. The spot should be placed where the eye is accessible to the IR remote control. The tuner's manufacturer's instruction should help you with any installation questions you may have with this step.

Now, route the audio/video cable from the tuner's video output port to the monitor's video input port and securely connect the cable to receive the best signal.

Now that the tuner is correctly installed and mounted in your car, you can reattach the battery cables, start the car and give it a test. First, turn on the video system and using the remote turn on the TV tuner. You should be receiving all of the local TV stations if you installed everything correctly.

Electra Warehouse does not only offer mobile electronics, it also carries brand named pro DJ equipment and home audio equipment. Electra Warehouse strives to give each customer a great one stop shop for the best bargain mobile, home and pro dj electronics. Visit them at

By Tl Kleban

Buying Car Parts Online Is Easy And Safe

As a car owner you have probably been in this awkward situation more than once: You need some parts or accessories for your vehicle. You know you can easily change the necessary parts and get your car up and running again, you just have to go down to the nearest auto part store and get them. Piece of cake. You enter the store and ask for the parts and the salesperson goes to the storage to pick them up. After waiting a long period of time he comes back and tells you that they unfortunately don't have the parts in stock, but they will order them so you can get them next month or so. You go to the next store and they have only the two bolts that you need but the other, most crucial parts have to be ordered. Disappointed you wander to the next store, the cycle repeats itself again and again..... But there is a solution, a great solution for your problem: Forget your local auto part stores and order your car parts online.

Thank goodness for the internet, right? With the internet you simply open up your web browser and type in the part you are trying to find. Almost instantly (depending on your internet connection) dozens of results pop up, offering to sell you the very part you need. Not only will these stores sell you the parts over the internet, but for minimal fees, they will deliver the part directly to your front door. No wasted gas or time there!

Here are some tips for buying car parts online:

Well Known Auto Stores: Almost every single one of the major players in the auto parts industry has a website from which shoppers can order parts. A lot of these stores also have the regular "brick and mortar" stores and will let you return internet-ordered parts to those stores (in the event that the part that got delivered to you was not what you ordered or turned out to be the wrong part). Some of the major "brick and mortar" auto parts stores that will also let you order your car parts online are Napa, Carquest, Auto Zone, Pep Boys, Advance Auto Parts and Schucks Auto (known in some areas as CSK Auto).

Auctions: Auctions are fantastic places to find parts that are gently used. People strip their cars down for parts all the time (for various reasons) and many people sell those car parts online to the highest bidder. The best way to find auctions for the parts you are looking for is to search for the car part itself. If you do a car part auction search, the number of results you will get will be incredibly overwhelming. So first locate the part you want and then check out the auction sites listed for it. It will save you mountains of time.

Auto Forums: People love to talk about their cars. More than that, the people who can and will fix their own cars love talking about how they do it. They band together and form forums much like people who are fans of the same celebrity. Auto Forums are a great place to find car parts online as most forums will have a sort of "classifieds" section for the buying and selling of car parts online. In the event that the forum doesn't list the exact part you are looking for, chances are you will connect with people who know where to find it and where to find it for the best price.

Your local online classifieds: Try searching through a site like Craigslist if there is a board for where you live (or don't mind driving to). Craigslist is full of people who are looking to buy and sell car parts online. There is even a specific board just for car parts listings. With a few simple emails, you might be able to find exactly the part you are looking for, or with someone who knows how to find it.

Searching for online car part stores is very simple. You just go to one of the main search engines and type in what you want. After a second or two you will be given a list of a thousand webpages. Don't panic. Check out the 5 to 10 first links on the list and I guarantee you will have more than enough online auto part stores to check out.

More and more people have started to understand that they can shop for their car parts and accessories online. They have experienced the convenience of going to their favorite online auto part store, type in their make and model and what kind of car part they want and within a second they have all the parts they need displayed and often with a photo of it. All you have to do is click on it, pay for it for a price that is most often lower than what you find in an auto part store and after a day or two you have your parts delivered at your door. It's safe to shop on the internet too. Isn't it much more fun to fix your car when you know you will have the parts you need almost instantly when all you have to do is a few click with your mouse or keyboard?

by Terry Bolton

November 19, 2007

Most Trusted Ford Parts Dealer Features the Best OEM-Quality Ford Car Parts

The automotive industry is an ever-changing industry. Every phase in the history of cars is highlighted by technical innovations and new car concepts that are aimed at improving the people’s widely used means of transportation. As cars became more efficient, more convenient, more comfortable, more stylish and safer, the demand for high quality replacement auto parts also grew bigger. Auto users’ need for auto parts that could complement their car’s abilities became higher and in the same way, auto users became more and more particular about the quality of the auto parts they are purchasing.

Today, the fastest and the most efficient way of finding the best quality replacement performance auto parts and accessories for your car’s repair or enhancement is through an online store. One of the leading stores that offer you not only wide assortment of replacement parts but great deals as well is Ford Parts Online ( This store specializes in selling the best quality replacement Ford parts including exterior parts such as the Ford Escape Front Bumper, Ford front and rear lights, Ford Bronco Grille and Ford F150 Pickup Mirror (

Due to the tough competition and high demand for replacement and aftermarket auto parts, a lot of stores are offering very inviting Ford Parts Discount deals both on Ford Parts used and new. Don’t be in a hurry in purchasing replacement parts, be wise in choosing the parts you are going to use in your Ford car or truck. Stock Ford Parts used in your car are made of high Ford standards—standards that have been cultivated for more than a century now. Ford Motor Company’s success through the years is testament enough of its reliability in producing vehicles of tough and dependable Ford parts from Ford Escape Hybrid Parts ( to Ford F150 Pickup Parts, Ford alternator, Ford radiator and all other Ford car parts and accessories.

Ford Parts Used Online adheres to Ford’s standards in providing you the best replacement parts, aftermarket auto products and auto accessories for various Ford models, old and new. It offers long list of Ford car and truck parts and great Ford Parts Discount deals, in its efforts to provide you the best satisfaction you ought to get while driving a Ford vehicle.

Proper maintenance of your Ford car, minivan, truck or SUV is needed in order for it to give you the most efficient service for a long period of time. It actually depends on you. Ford cars are well-built, no doubt, but you have to do your part in keeping it in good shape and condition. It is inevitable for it to experience some car problems, too—just like all other cars—so it must be given enough care and attention, especially the parts that perform the most difficult tasks. Don’t worry; Ford Parts Online can help you do this with ease. Check out their site now.
by: Chuck Smith

Great Value Buying Used Car Parts

Proper maintenance of a vehicle either new or old is the same. The engine has to be checked from time to time, the oil has to be changed and spark plugs need to be replaced. Any product wears down in time and the best thing to do if you are on a budget is to buy cheap, good quality used car parts.

Acquiring used car parts is the same as looking around for a second hand car. You can either look for it in the classified ads, go around the neighborhood checking out the various shops that do sell these parts or you can surf the net saving some time and effort and search for the parts that are needed.

There was time that such parts could only be found in dealerships and in the shops of local mechanics. This made it a challenge for those who needed it badly especially since there was no guarantee that the part if found, would fit the requirements and the seller would usually jack up the price giving the buyer no choice but to pay what was demanded.

Searching for cheap used car parts does not have to be that difficult anymore as long as you remember a few things before looking for it;

• By knowing exactly what is needed depending on the make and model of the car you have, it will make it easier for the person to go around looking for the exact car part

• After having the specific part in mind, you can then check how much you are willing to spend to acquire that item.

• Some parts that are needed don’t have to be the original. There are some parts that can be bought at surplus or a compatible part from another car make and model enabling can be used making a person save money for other things.

• After getting the proper information, you can start by checking out either the local shops or dealers. If these people don’t have it, perhaps another dealer can be recommended to assist in the procurement. Another place you can go to are the local junkyards since a lot of parts there can be reused. Asking the local auto club for help and browsing through the Internet are also other options a person has to help in the search for other hard to find parts which can be ordered and delivered in a few days time
by: Gregory Ashton

Are All Replacement Car Parts the Same?

It is obvious that each different make and model of vehicle has different parts required. Each different vehicle has varying features, unique performance components and packaged characteristics to be addressed in terms of replacement parts, or in terms of custom and/or high performance offerings from the after-market parts industries. It is rare to find a line of vehicles that utilize the cookie cutter method of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) parts, that is, a one-part-fits-all type of approach. This was how the automotive industry started out, but it hasn’t been seen for nearly a Century. Variations are not just common for parts, but for entire systems.

In today’s market a case can be made for a movement toward standardizing of auto parts across the board. Many new items are engineered from the ground up, and it is expensive to do so. Every new part requires an endless list of research and development, market research, engineering, testing, integration, purchasing, stocking, advertising, support, manufacturing, distribution, accounting and much more. This turns a giant economic wheel in almost every industry, and trickles down opportunity for many smaller businesses. Recently there has been a lot of talk about the need to reduce costs and deliver quality in the same breath. This can almost assuredly be accomplished, but the only way it can be is through standardization.

This is not to say; reduce the quality, but it is to say; reduce the cost of producing quality. The reality of today's automotive and after-market parts industries, is fairly clear as most see it; price vs. quality. This is not always true for everything the consumer has to make a decision about, but it is true for most. True after-market products are really copies of the originals. The problem is though, they are not like the original parts. They may look like true manufacturer’s auto parts, especially in the obvious places where the after-market manufacturer knows the consumer will look. Automotive replacement parts, whether OEM or budget priced knockoffs, where quality and performance is concerned, you pretty much get what you pay for.

Custom made and high performance parts have the reputation of delivering what they say they will, at a price. This creates even more confusion for the consumer. They see mostly higher pricing (not all) with high performance and custom vehicle parts, and ask themselves: is this far and away, above and beyond what I really need? The consumer may then convince himself, usually with the aid of a salesperson, that the budget knockoff part is good enough, or these are all really the same part, they will do the same job, they are the same quality. So the consumer may end up with an after-market part on his vehicle that does more damage to related vehicle systems, or simply doesn’t perform or has very limited durability. There is evidence that modern vehicle parts manufacturers and for that matter, vehicle manufacturers themselves will continue the trend toward standardize, reduce and reuse in the future.

Many internal components of Toyota made automatic transmissions are reused in new vehicles. Daimler-Chrysler has been noted of late for recycling existing equipment into new and updated processes. GM and Ford have also demonstrated the will to start a carry-over of standardization program, in which much of the component parts will be identical. The idea is to “engineer” around existing proven components.

Variation will eventually dwindle and ultimately the cost of producing quality will as well. A good number of internal components have been subjected to a standardizing platform. Some components that the consumer can actually see and touch have been standardized as well in recent late model designs.

What has all this got to do with replacement parts for your 1978 Buick? Nothing whatsoever. But what it does have to do with is a future where automotive parts will be of high quality, and will be inexpensive. You can’t find after-market parts for your 2006 Infiniti. There is a reason for that. There’s no market for it.

You can only get parts for it from the dealer right now. Vehicles under warranty will not have a need for replacement parts until that warranty is over.

Someday, in the not too distant future, you will be able to buy custom and high performance quality at after-market pricing. That day, however, is not today. You must be concerned with value-added automotive parts in the sense that quality, in general, and quality and proven performance name brands come with an initially higher price tag than others. Realizing that those “others” will end up costing you more in the long run in irreversible damage to your vehicle and peace of mind, be mindful of your decisions about quality, and what its true value is.
by: F R Penn

Importance of Electric Car Parts in Hybrid car

Electric cars are getting commonplace day by day thanks to the fact that they have become very efficient to run and very cheap to maintain but just like any other vehicle, electric cars also suffer the wear and tear of time and the electric car parts need to be replaced and repaired. This means that people are on regular hunt for electric car parts needed for repair and replacement work. Most of the electric car manufacturers and electric car kit makers also sell high quality electric car parts which are easily available now in markets because of increasing demands and improving supply streams.

Electric car parts are generally of two types firstly those which are meant for electric conversion kits and secondly those meant for factory made electric car models. In fact battery is one of the most sought after electric car part. Both types of products are easily available provided you look for them in the right places. Generally the quality is very good but if someone sells you electric car parts like battery at prices too good to be true, it’s the best option to stay clear of these products as they may either be totally substandard or their quality must be subject to suspicion.

The electric car parts for factory made electric cars are generally available from the original equipment manufacturers. These products go through a number of hard quality checks and also certified by many quality assurance companies. If brought from an authorized dealer, the genuineness of the electric car part is almost every time guaranteed. These kinds of electric car parts may be made using proprietary technology and may not be available in open market from other manufacturers, thus if the original equipment manufacturer stops making the product, these kinds of electric car parts may be very hard to find.

The other kind of electric car parts are those meant for vehicles using an electric car kit. Unlike the electric car parts meant for factory made cars, these kind of electric car parts are generally available from a bunch of makers unless its a specific part of the car kit itself in which case this kind of a part may only be available from the car's electric kit maker. Being available in the open market from a number of manufacturers, these kind of electric car parts are generally easy to find but you must exercise caution and discretion while spending your money because the quality of the product is not something worth taking any risk.

It must be kept in mind that with proper market research and consultation of experts any one can buy an electric car part, what needs to be kept under consideration is that the quality of the product should not be compromised for a lower price and the buyer should always make every effort to make an informed decision.

Author is automobile engineer. Visit hybrid car information to get latest information on gas and electric hybrid car

By Arindam Chattopadhyaya

Tips for Buying Car Parts

Car repair and refinishing can be an expensive hobby. Whether you fix the cars of family and friends, or have a clunker that you want to turn into a head-turning show car, you have to put out a fair amount of money to buy car parts. What follows, though, is a step by step method of finding inexpensive car parts to help keep your hobby in budget.

1. Put an advertisement in the classifieds of a local newspaper or local penny-saver paper that you are looking for fellow car enthusiasts to team up with to find inexpensive car parts. Give your name and number and tell them you're looking to form a club.

2. When the car enthusiasts respond your advertisement, tell them your idea: that you form a discount car parts club so that you call can save money by filling the minimum purchase order on bulk car part purchases. Get a list from them of the parts they need to fix their cars, and add it to the list of parts you need.

3. Go online to an inexpensive or wholesale car parts site by typing "cheap car parts" or "wholesale car parts" into the search line of your browser. Many of these places have a minimum order of only a couple hundred dollars (or sometimes even less!) So you shouldn't have any problem filling the order. Sometimes, these minimum order quantities mean you also get free shipping and warranties on the parts!

4. When the parts arrive, call the car enthusiasts in your discount car parts club and have them pick up the order and drop off the payment payment. They'll be surprised at how much they saved and you may be able to get another order from them.

If a venture like this is very successful, it could lead to an enjoyable money making hobby where you act as a parts-ordering middleman for local car part enthusiasts.

If the only thing stopping you is whether or not you can trust the people who respond to your ad, simply get something from them in writing to say that they will reimburse you when the part arrives.

Car part buying can be an expensive part of a fun hobby. But if you can find a few people to help buy parts in bulk, you can reduce your costs… and that will increase your fun!

Jeff Lakie is the founder of Car Parts Information a website providing information on Car Parts

By Jeff Lakie

Great Value Buying Used Car Parts

Proper maintenance of a vehicle either new or old is the same. The engine has to be checked from time to time, the oil has to be changed and spark plugs need to be replaced. Any product wears down in time and the best thing to do if you are on a budget is to buy cheap, good quality used car parts.

Acquiring used car parts is the same as looking around for a second hand car. You can either look for it in the classified ads, go around the neighborhood checking out the various shops that do sell these parts or you can surf the net saving some time and effort and search for the parts that are needed.

There was time that such parts could only be found in dealerships and in the shops of local mechanics. This made it a challenge for those who needed it badly especially since there was no guarantee that the part if found, would fit the requirements and the seller would usually jack up the price giving the buyer no choice but to pay what was demanded.

Searching for cheap used car parts does not have to be that difficult anymore as long as you remember a few things before looking for it;

• By knowing exactly what is needed depending on the make and model of the car you have, it will make it easier for the person to go around looking for the exact car part

• After having the specific part in mind, you can then check how much you are willing to spend to acquire that item.

• Some parts that are needed don’t have to be the original. There are some parts that can be bought at surplus or a compatible part from another car make and model enabling can be used making a person save money for other things.

• After getting the proper information, you can start by checking out either the local shops or dealers. If these people don’t have it, perhaps another dealer can be recommended to assist in the procurement. Another place you can go to are the local junkyards since a lot of parts there can be reused. Asking the local auto club for help and browsing through the Internet are also other options a person has to help in the search for other hard to find parts which can be ordered and delivered in a few days time.
by: Gregory Ashton