April 9, 2008

Hydrogen Cars, Pressurized or On Demand?

Among a number of options that have been proposed as the future of vehicle transportation, there is one that has caught the interest of many people, even science fiction writers. This is the use of hydrogen as the fuel to feed our cars and this way stop our every day more costly addiction to an scarce resource called, oil.

But for many years the use of hydrogen has a fuel for our vehicles has been in an always experimental stage and prototypes have barely if ever reached the market. So for the common man/woman the access the this cheap and abundant source of energy has been kept in the realms of science fiction and wishful thinking. The main branch of research for hydrogen cars has always been on the direction of having hydrogen-fuel gas stations where cars would fill up their tanks with pressurized hydrogen and then move to the highways as we do now with common oil produced gas. But this approach has found a number of problems, among them is the high safety hazard pressurized hydrogen represents for ourselves. Hydrogen is highly inflammable and it can explode with the minimum mishandling it may be subject to.

But there is a safer alternative approach to a hydrogen powered car. This is, hydrogen on demand. What this means is that you don´t need big storage stations to fill up tanks with pure hydrogen but you can attach a device to your car that breaks water into its two constituent elements, Hydrogen and Oxygen; feeding your car´s engine with this gas and saving you the hazard of driving with a time bomb in your back and best of all, the technology for this hydrogen on demand approach is already available and ready for you to install it in your car. So instead of filling up gas or pure hydrogen you can use a water reservoir to power your car and save a lot of money at the pump.

By D. Crest