These days, with the credit crunch, and what is starting to look like a downturn in the economy, many of us are struggling with household budgets. As a result, any way that can be found to save money, would surely be welcome to most of us.
One area that is definitely worth considering is your vehicle. For most people, buying and running their car is one of their main household expenses, but unless they live in an area with excellent public transport links, completely unavoidable: Without a car, how would you get to work or do your shopping?
Cars aren't cheap to run - they need gasoline, maintenance, and of courses taxes and insurance. Aside from that, the biggest expense is often the upfront cost of the initial purchase of the vehicle. If you have money saved away for a rainy day, you may of course be able to dip into that and pay using that, if not, you'll need to take out financing or a loan, which of course means regularly monthly repayments, not only of the actual cost of the car, but also of interest on the loan too!
One of the best ways to save money then, is to find a cheaper model of car, or alternatively find the same make and model of car available at a cheaper price. One of the best places to look for such vehicles is at seized vehicle auctions. These auctions include vehicles repossessed by banks and lending institutions after the previous owner failed to keep up the repayments, ex-government service vehicles being retired, and in some cases, vehicles seized from criminals. The key thing to be aware of: spend some time looking at these and you may find some great bargains.
By Sunil Tanna