The technology that cars can run on water has been around for almost a century now, but it has never been publicized. World leaders and big oil companies are suppressing it because it will seriously affect the demand for oil.
But, due to rising oil prices, more and more people are looking for fuel alternatives, and many have successfully converted their car to run on water. There are many guides available for download on the internet today that teach you how to do this.
Why Should You Run Your Car On Water?
Before you decide whether you want to convert your car to run on water, you should explore some of its benefits and drawbacks.
The most obvious benefit would be huge cost savings at the gas station. By increasing your gasoline consumption, you will need to travel more miles per trip to the gas station. Assuming your car travels 30 miles to the gallon of gasoline. If you were to travel 3000 miles per month, you would be pumping 100 gallons of gas to your car monthly. If you were to pay $3 per gallon, it would amount to $3,600 per year.
Say if you were to install a hydrogen water car system and achieve a 35 percent savings in gas consumption, it would amount to $1,200 per year. Considering the fact that converting your car to run on hydrogen requires roughly $100 or less, it is clear that such a conversion is well worth it.
Running your car on water also significantly reduces the amount of pollution, as explained below.
How Does This Conversion Work?
Water is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. By running electricity through water in a process called electrolysis, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms can be separated. This process creates a type of gas called Brown Gas, made up of HHO molecules. This gas is a source of power that can be used to power our cars.
By running your car on Brown Gas, your car will only emit oxygen, thus causing less pollution to the environment.
However, running automobiles completely on water is not possible yet. Some amount of gasoline is still required in a mixture of gasoline and water to power your car. All these engine modifications can be made easily without having to purchase a brand new hybrid car.
Are you sick of expensive gas prices, and you want to build a water powered car? Download Step-By-Step Guides that teach you how to modify your car at now!
By Judd Marshall