Convert your car to run on water - is this for real? Well, it depends.
There is no way to run your car on water alone - you will need gas, in fact you could use both; gas and water. This will greatly increase gas mileage and decrease the pollution.
Using water for energy is nothing new; in fact, over 90 years ago scientists such as Tesla started testing water for energy. Nikola Tesla was able to discover the hidden energy in water but for many political and other reasons his discovery was not considered as important and with time was completely forgotten.
The general demand for gas is huge - this is why the governments do not invest into developing alternative fuels. You might have heard of the electric car - if you did, you know the reason for which this car disappeared from Earth. The Hydrogen-on-demand system is not being officially developed and advertised for same political related reasons, however, you do not need the government to do anything, and you could convert your car to run on water by yourself, at home.
Converting your car does not necessarily mean "difficult". The system consists of a few simple bolt-ons and some tubes. It does not modify your engine or the car's computer, when removed it is completely untraceable.
The system transforms water to HHO - the Browns gas which allows the engine to burn gas more efficiently. It does not only give you better gas mileage, the system also reduces the engine's noise and vibration which results in smoother gear shafting. The pollution is greatly reduced when the system is used because the gas is actually burned by the engine and not wasted through the exhaust system as unburned gas.
The use of the system gives you access to certain IRS credits - just as if you were buying a Hybrid.
If you are interested in converting your car to run on water, this site offers a step-by-step guide to the conversion.
Don't buy any water systems from ebay or other places! Click Here for your step-by-step guide to converting your car to burn water as fuel.
By Alexandre Sol