The baker motor vehicle came into existence in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. The company was endorsed at the national automobile show that was exhibited at Madison Square Garden in the year 1990 in New York. The slogan of the company says ‘it sells better than other vehicles because it out classes them’.
In the large cities, electric automobiles were accepted widely. These cities valued speed and time. Hence, electric automobiles were more preferred than any other vehicles. Many of the purchasers found that electric cars were reliable and did not create unnecessary trouble as compared to the early steam and gasoline powered vehicles.
With the advent of the year 1910, it was clear that vehicles powered by gasoline were the most popular choice. This made the sales of steam powered and electric vehicles to decrease.
Baker electric were available with pneumatic tires. The interior of this vehicle is lavishly decorated with a great vanity case, beautiful flower vases and an electric light. It has a bevel gear shaft driven rear end. The vehicle also features side lamps, tail light and head lamp, all powered by electricity. In the year 1912, it was sold for two thousand and seven hundred dollars.
The Baker Company collaborated with Rauch and Lang in 1915. Ranch and Lang was popular electric car manufacturer. Both these companies stopped producing electric cars by the end of 1916.
The electric starter invention indicated that vehicles powered by gasoline would be the ultimate fuel choice of the public. Prior to this, electric vehicles gained a lot of popularity due to their user friendly feature absence of fumes, sound free operation, etc.
Walter C. Baker founded the Baker automobiles. He graduated in Applied Science from the case school. The school is now known by the name of Case Western Reserve University. He started a company of his own in the year 1898. During this period, he was also the godfather of the company named ‘The American Ball Bearing’. The Baker Motor Vehicle was established in the year 1899 with the help of Fred White and Rollin. All vehicles he made were unique. These vehicles came out with the industry’s ‘firsts’ in many fields such as first auto driven by shaft, first steel ball bearing use in chassis and vehicle with axle bevel gears.
In those days, Runabout and Stanhope attained great popularity among automobiles. Baker provided a lot more via introducing the New Port and a physician’s Chapelette. Newport production work continued for two years. It was labeled as the ‘light carriage’. These carriages were supposed to win eminence at summer resorts. These automobiles were very easy to handle and simple in design. People loved the fact that these were lubricant free. One did not have to fear staining clothes with the grease.
Vehicles powered with gasoline attained great popularity via the electric starter invention. In the year 1915, Baker Collaborated with Rauch and Lang and Started producing industrial vehicle and trucks.
Frank j Vanderlugt owns and operates Electric Car
By: Frank Vanderlugt