High gas prices can make the simple task of getting from one place to another an expensive prospect. Here are 8 ways to save money on gas that will get you where you need to go without leaving you broke.
1. Carpool or take public transportation
Although carpooling or taking the bus can seem a bit inconvenient it can save money on gas and cut your expenses dramatically. Not only that, but cutting down on the number of cars on the road is good for the environment as well which means you can feel twice as good about what you are doing.
2. Get Your Tires Checked
Under inflated tires or tires that are not properly balanced can rob you of precious gas mileage. Either check your tire pressure yourself or take your car in to have your tires checked and balanced to get better mileage.
3. Drive More Slowly
Did you know that driving 55 m.p.h. can save you as much as 10% on your fuel economy over driving 65 m.p.h? For most cars as soon as you pass 60 m.p.h. gas mileage decreases. By just slowing down a little you can save a lot of money on gas and dramatically decrease your expenses. Leave a little earlier so you can avoid speeding and take your time getting where you need to go.
4. Take Paved Roads
Dirt and gravel roads can create a lot of drag and cause your car to get poor gas mileage. Whenever possible stick to paved roads to save gas.
5. Look Ahead
Be aware of what it happening in front of you on the road to avoid having to suddenly slow down or speed up. For instance, if you see a hill coming up in the distance it is better to accelerate before you reach the hill than after you have started climbing. Try to avoid tailgating as well since riding too close to the car in front of you can cause you to change your speed frequently which uses a lot of gas.
6. Use a Gas Card
Most gas stations offer gas cards where you can get a discount on gas with the card when you buy from them. Try to get a card from a gas station that is convenient for you and you can save money each time you put gas in your car.
7. Fill Your Car When it is Cool Out
When temperatures are cooler gas is denser. That means that you get more gas per volume when you get gas when it is cool out. Try to fill your car in the early morning or late evening to get the most gas for your dollar.
8. Convert Your Car to Use Water
Although it may sound a little strange, you can easily convert your car to run partly on water and double your current gas mileage. The modifications are not permanent, do not damage your car and also decrease emmissions making it a good deal all around. To learn more about how to convert your car to run on water, please visit http://www.saveongas.info
By James C.